Brookfield Board of Listers
Teresa Godfrey
Phyllis Humez
PO Box 463
Brookfield, VT 05036
Phone: 802-276-3352
FAX: 802-276-3926
Hours by appointment only.
Board of Listers
Listers are elected officials who are responsible for the valuation of each parcel of real property owned in Brookfield. The Listers are responsible for the maintenance of the Grand List which is a comprehensive listing of every property in Brookfield, ensuring that it is as accurate and equitable as possible.
The assessment year runs from April 1st of the current year to March 31st of the following year. For any given year, the owner of record and condition of the property is effective as of April 1st. The Listers are responsible for assessing all real property in Brookfield in compliance with applicable Vermont State statutes. Lister duties also include updating changes that result from building permits, changes in ownership or addresses, changes to tax maps, and changes to values for Brookfield properties enrolled in the State’s Current Use program.
Appeals and Grievances
All Brookfield property owners have the right to appeal or “grieve” the assessment of their property value. Grievance hearings are held each year in June (actual dates are determined year to year). A written request for grievance must be received in the Lister’s office prior to that. Results of these hearings are mailed to property owners within two weeks of the end of all hearings. Further appeals may be made to the town’s Board of Civil Authority, and at the State level to either the Vermont Supreme Court or the Director of Property Valuation and Review to request a hearing with a State Appraiser.
We encourage you to contact us should you have any questions about your property values.
Tax Rate
The tax rate set by the Selectboard is determined by two factors: the State’s education funding mechanism (Act 60), and the amount of income needed for funding Brookfield’s town and highway budgets as approved at town meeting.
Links to State of Vermont property value and Current Use information: