1. Present and Voting: A. Borgman, K. Anderson, C. Wright, D. Childs, M. Foran. Present and Non Voting: L. Rochat.
2. Minutes of the 10/21/14 Meeting approved.
3. Treasurer’s Report. Expenditures are well within budget. Income is more than sufficient for budgeted items. K.Anderson will forward the outside donations relative to the Spelling Bee costs – prizes and food. Preliminary discussion on need for the town’s moneys to be quite so high considering our income and actual expenditures being below budget.
4. Librarian’s Report: Patrons and circulation level. Discussion of possible outreach to West Brookfield with monthly or semi-monthly drop-off and pick-up of books. A drop-off point and contact person (Tessa O’Donnell?) will be needed. Decision to purchase “Freedom & Unity” DVD a 6 part presentation of Vermont history for circulation.
5. Programs: Sharrow oral history program is to be confirmed as a Wednesday 2/4/15 date at 7PM. It will be our program. A teacher (Brian Kennedy) who is doing a program on oral history with his class will be contacted and encouraged to participate by getting his class involved. The Poetry Slam is on indefinite hold because of heavy work schedule of organizers. Amy Borgman will present a program on Ethiopia Thursday 7PM 1/15/15 7PM at the Library.
6. A. Borgman will have the early write up of the Annual Report at the next Trustees’ Meeting in Dec.
7. Next Meeting of the Trustees’ is 9AM on 12/16/14.