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2015 Brookfield Schoolboard annual meeting minutes
WARNING BROOKFIELD TOWN SCHOOL DISTRICT ANNUAL SCHOOL DISTRICT MEETING, BROOKFIELD, VERMONT TUESDAY, MARCH 3, 2015 Charlie Keeler called the meeting called to order at 1:31 p.m. Article 1: To vote by Australian ballot on the following Town School District Officers: -Moderator for a term of one year. -SCHOOL DIRECTOR for a term of three years….
Notice of Board of Civil Authority Hearings
NOTICE OF BOARD OF CIVIL AUTHORITY HEARINGS Pursuant to the provisions of 32 V.S.A. §4404(b), notice is hereby given that the Board of Civil Authority within and for the Town of Brookfield will on the 10th day of SEPTEMBER, 2022, at 9:00 o’clock in the morning, meet at the Town Office in Brookfield to hear…
Presidential Primary Warning 2020
WARNING — VERMONT PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY — MARCH 3, 2020 A statewide Presidential Primary will be held on TUESDAY, MARCH 3, 2020 to vote for candidates for the following offices: PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES The polls will open at a.m. and will close at 7:00 p.m. The polling place(s) is/are located at: Town (or City)…
Special Town Meeting on April 17, 2017
Special Town Meeting April 17, 2017 Attendees: Charles Keeler (Moderator), John Benson (Selectboard Chair), Jeff Kimmel (Selectboard member), Teresa Godfrey (Town Clerk, Recorder), Dale Benson, Clare Kimmel, Perry Kacik, Joy Kacik, Brenda Flint, Amy Ingrassia, George Zebora (observer) C. Keeler called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. C. Keeler read the warning and…