WEDNESDAY APRIL 24, 2019, 5:30 PM
The following members attended: Dan Mason, Stuart Edson, Michael Rutkovsky and Lew Stowell.
- Review and Approve Minutes of March 20, 2019. Approved
- Questions or Issues Brought by Members of the Public. Dan Mason as a member of the public represented himself and his neighbors on the East end of Taylor Hill Road. He stated that the road was unpassable despite efforts by the town road crew. Fire trucks and ambulances would not be able to get to the houses on that end of the road because of the lack of needed ditches and culverts. This is a safety hazard. There is concern that their taxes have not gone down but the road condition has deteriorated. There are several families living in that area with multiple children. The committee will pass this on to the Select Board but recommended that Dan and /or his neighbors attend the next Select Board meeting.
- Continuing Review of OCSD Activities, Reports and Bills. There was a discussion of billing and the fact that only 38.91 % of the patrol hours have been conducted for the FY 2019 year so far. L Stowell will discuss this and other matters with LT Scott Clouatre, OCSD. There have been a number of traffic citations issued on Ridge Road in recent months.
- Continuing Review of Parking and Speed Enforcement on Brookfield Roads. A draft list of roads in Brookfield to receive special interest for traffic enforcement was revised and approved. This list will be sent to LT Clouatre, OCSD.
- Review of radar speed cart locations and schedule in 2019. The Speed Cart Plan was reviewed and approved. It will be sent to LT Clouatre, OCSD.
- E-911 Sign Order Results. L Stowell to place a notice on Front Porch Forum that the signs in the second order are in. Persons ordering should stop by the Town Office to pick them up.
- Public Safety Advisory Committee Website Use. S. Edson provided a report on the activity for the last 12 months on the Public Safety Advisory Committee page on the town web site. Among other data there were 1571 page views. S Edson to find out if more data can be obtained and if Google Analytics would be helpful.
- Developing and implementing the Draft Emerald Ash Borer Threat Plan. There was a discussion about organization and having a meeting with possible vendors to get input.
- May Public Safety Message. The draft message was reviewed, revised and approved.
- Setting the Next Meeting. May 22, 2019
- Inviting Guests to the Next Meeting. Dan Mason will invite a Motor Vehicle Inspector and advise L Stowell.
- The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 PM.