Town of Brookfield
Board of Civil Authority
Voter Checklist Review
August 29, 2021 9:00 a.m.
The Brookfield Board of Civil Authority (BCA) met on Sunday, August 29, 2021 at 9:00 a.m. at the Brookfield Town Office. The meeting was called to order. In attendance was Beth DeForge-JP, C. Curtis Koren-JP, Brenda Flint-Selectboard Member, Kate Threlkeld- Selectboard Member, Jeff Kimmel-Selectboard Member, Bonnie Fallon-JP, and Teresa Godfrey-Town Clerk.
The Board was given the Active Voter checklist, New Voter List from 9/1/2019-current, and the currently challenged list. It was broken up into packets so everyone was able to review each of the 10 packet lists. The lists included voter name, address, birth date, the date each voter registered and last voted. This was an effective way to question if the person should be challenged.
After everyone was done with all of the lists, we reviewed the ones that were questioned as a whole. In the end there were 22 registered voters that everyone agreed should have a letter sent to them. Mrs. Godfrey will send the challenge letters out in the next week.
Discussion also included up-coming elections and where we might be able to have them and whether the Town will be required to purchase a vote tabulator in the future with over 1000 registered voters. No decisions were made.
The meeting adjourned at 10:30 a.m.
Submitted by Teresa Godfrey, Town Clerk