DRAFT Meeting Minutes of the Brookfield Conservation Commission August 19, 2019
Present: Jon Binhammer, Jon Jickling, Susan Shea, Kathy Kinter Absent: Starr Strong
Jon B reviewed minutes from the June meeting for approval.
They were unanimously approved after discussion about our commission’s role regarding EAB.
Sue will read Safety Committee’s minutes to keep abreast of their plans.
There was no meeting in July.
Bylaws: Jon B. will email out a draft to members, highlighting areas of import, to be discussed at the September meeting. At that time we will vote to adopt the bylaws.
The Rood Pond Paddle was rescheduled and revamped due to scheduling conflicts. We will do a natural history interp paddle on Bakers Pond Sept. 22 from 3-5. Sue will be away. Kathy will do publicity. Jon B will announce at OTH program on the 19th.
OTH 9/19 Jon B will do a slide show of Brookfield’s Hidden Gems, discuss the commission and ask for input for program ideas. Jon will contact Ted to let him know this.
Brookfield Town Forest Hike Oct 6 3-5 Remind folks to wear bright colors.
Open meeting law: At next meeting Kathy will a present brief outline.
Briefly discussed our role regarding Hippo Park. Will revisit at next meeting.
Meetings: Will be held when possible the 3rd Monday of each month in the library from 7-8:30 PM. Next meeting is September 16. Sue will be away.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Kinter