Planning Commission Draft Minutes November 8, 2022
Brookfield Planning Commission DRAFT MinutesDate: November 8, 2022Present: Gwynn Zakov (Chair), Martha Judy, Keven Ring, Will White, Timothy GershonNo public was present. Respectfully submitted, Martha Judy
Brookfield Planning Commission DRAFT minutes 9/13/22
Minutes DRAFT Brookfield Planning Commission Date: September 13, 2022 Present: Gwynn Zakov (Chair), Martha Judy, Keven Ring, Wil White, Christina Harlow, Timothy Gershon Public present: Connor Rigney Chair Zakov called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. Judy and Gershon moved to approve minutes as amended. The minutes passed unanimously. Commissioners heard from Connor Rigney of…
Brookfield Planning Commission Draft minutes August 23, 2022
Minutes DRAFT Brookfield Planning Commission Date: August 23, 2022 Present: Gwynn Zakov (Chair), Martha Judy, Keven Ring, Will White, Christina Harlow, Timothy Gershon Public present: Richard Bizzozero, David Christensen, Eric Christensen Chair Zakov called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. Will White & Christina Harlow moved to approve minutes from the July 12th meeting….
Brookfield Planning Commission Draft Minutes July 12, 2022
Minutes DRAFT Brookfield Planning Commission Date: July 12th, 2022 Present: Gwynn Zakov (Chair), Martha Judy, Keven Ring, Will White Public present: Amy Ingressia, Jack Zebora, David Christensen, Stu Edson (Select Board) Chair Zakov called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. Will White & Martha Judy moved to approve minutes from the May 24th meeting….
Brookfield Planning Commission May 24, 2022 Draft Minutes
Minutes DRAFT Brookfield Planning Commission Date: May 24, 2022 Present: Gwynn Zakov, Chair, Martha Judy, Keven Ring, Christina Harlow, Will White, Tim Gershon Public present: Michael Fiorillo Administrative Officer, David Christensen Chair Zakov called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. Judy/Ring moved to approve minutes from the May 10th meeting. The minutes passed unanimously….