Minutes DRAFT
Brookfield Planning Commission
Date: Tuesday July 13, 2021
Gwynn Zakov, Chair, Tim Gershon, Christina Harlow, Martha Judy, Will White, Jon Jickling
Public Present: None
Chair Zakov called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
Harlow moved to approve minutes from the 6/08/21 meeting seconded by White. The minutes were approved unanimously.
The planning commission discussed the inquiry by the select board to respond to the possibility of Brookfield changing from a Zoning Board of Adjustment model to a Development Review Board model. Following discussion Chair Zakov, put forward a motion that the PC position is that the ZBA planning model is working at this time and moving to a DRB model is not warranted. Second by Harlow. Passed unanimously.
Nancy Jacques resigned from PC. Zakov will notify Selectboard and post on front porch forum for new candidate. Jickling and White also notified that they may withdraw from the PC in coming months.
Discussed bylaws and developed new section 3.3, Certificate of compliance.
Any other new/old business discussed.
Next meeting will be September 21, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. (no August meeting planned)
Next meeting will cover: Definitions including Accessory Dwelling Unit. Conservation commission will also provide input/comments on the bylaws.
Chair Zakov adjourned the meeting at 8:24 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jon Jickling