2016 Annual Brookfield School District Meeting Minutes

BROOKFIELD TOWN SCHOOL DISTRICT ANNUAL SCHOOL DISTRICT MEETING, BROOKFIELD, VERMONT TUESDAY, MARCH 1, 2016 Charlie Keeler called the meeting called to order at 12:53 p.m. Article I:   To vote by Australian ballot on the following Town School District Officers: -Moderator for a term of one year. -SCHOOL DIRECTOR for a term of three years. Charlie…

Ordinance for the Regulation of Public Assemblages (approved)

This is a draft from the Selectboard to update the Public Assemblage permit.  They will be acting on it at the next Selectboard meeting on December 14, 2015.  This is available for public comment.  Please email the Town Clerk at townclerk@brookfieldvt.org or stop in at the Town Office with your concerns. TOWN OF BROOKFIELD AN…