Public Hearing – Proposed Revisions To The Brookfield Traffic Ordinance

Brookfield Selectboard Notice of Public Hearing As part of its regularly scheduled meeting, the Brookfield Selectboard will hold a public hearing on Monday, December 11, 2017, at 6:00 p.m. at the Brookfield Town Clerk’s Office on 40 Ralph Road, to review proposed revisions to the Brookfield Traffic Ordinance. The draft revision can be found here.

Brookfield Highway Department Materials Policy

The Town of Brookfield would like to remind residents that all materials stock piled on the garage property are for Highway Department use only. The only exception is the limited use of sand for resident driveways during the winter. The Town’s policy regarding use of the Town’s sand supply for private driveways is as follows:…

Household Hazardous Waste Day 29 July 2017

Mountain Alliance & Casella Waste Management, Inc. This year’s HHW Collection Events will be held on Saturday, July 29, 2017 From 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Behind the Northfield Fire Station at128 Wall Street, Northfield, Vermont This event is for the residents of: Randolph, Braintree, Brookfield & Northfield   Materials Accepted at the Event: Acids,…

Mountain Alliance Meeting Minutes 14 June 2017

Mountain Alliance Advisory Committee Meeting of June 14, 2017 Randolph Town Hall Conference Room A Attending:  Mel Adams Randolph Town Manager, Tim Caulfield Braintree representative, Jeffrey Kimmel Brookfield representative, Kim Crosby Casella Environmental Compliance Manager.  Northfield not in attendance. Alliance manager, Mel Adams (Randolph Town Manager), called the meeting to order at 6:10 pm.  A…

Special Town Meeting on April 17, 2017

Special Town Meeting                                                                                                               April 17, 2017 Attendees: Charles Keeler (Moderator), John Benson (Selectboard Chair), Jeff Kimmel (Selectboard member), Teresa Godfrey (Town Clerk, Recorder), Dale Benson, Clare Kimmel, Perry Kacik, Joy Kacik, Brenda Flint, Amy Ingrassia, George Zebora (observer) C. Keeler called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. C. Keeler read the warning and…