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Minutes of the 12/3/15 Meeting of Library Trustees
Present and Voting: Trustees Dan Childs, Cat Wright, Emily Noyes and Amy Borgman Present and Non-Voting: Librarian Laura Rochat Meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm. -Treasurer’s Report: *We are preparing for the annual Town Meeting and although our fiscal year runs from July 1- June 30, our numbers in the Town Budget Report…
Minutes of the Oct 16, 2017 Library Trustee Meeting
MINUTES OF THE BROOKFIELD FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY TRUSTEE MEETING, October 16, 2017 Present and Voting: Kym Anderson, Amy Borgman, Dan Childs, Emily Noyes Present and Not Voting: Laura Rochat (librarian) Not Present: Cat Wright 1. The Minutes were accepted. 2. Treasurer’s Report: The BFPL finances are stable and the financial reports continue to be co-monitored…
Minutes from the April 7th meeting of Library Trustees
Present and Voting: Kym Anderson, Amy Borgman, Dan Childs, Emily Noyes Present and Not Voting: Laura Rochat, librarian -Minutes were accepted -Treasurer’s Report: Financials are good, no news to report. -Librarian’s Report: Library patronage has been good as new families have moved into Brookfield and are discovering the Library. Lots of Inter-library loans are requested…
Minutes of May 4 Meeting of Brookfield Library Trustees
Present and Voting: Amy Borgman, Dan Childs, Emily Noyes, Starr Strong Present and Not Voting: Laura Rochat, Librarian -Minutes were accepted -Treasurer’s Report: Dan and Emily reviewed the Financials in April, all are in order. We are up to date in Town reimbursements to the Library. Dan will be reimbursed $322.47 for payment to Baker…
Draft Minutes of Library Trustee Meeting, 11/18/14
1. Present and Voting: A. Borgman, K. Anderson, C. Wright, D. Childs, M. Foran. Present and Non Voting: L. Rochat. 2. Minutes of the 10/21/14 Meeting approved. 3. Treasurer’s Report. Expenditures are well within budget. Income is more than sufficient for budgeted items. K.Anderson will forward the outside donations relative to the Spelling Bee costs…