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Minutes of the 12/3/15 Meeting of Library Trustees
Present and Voting: Trustees Dan Childs, Cat Wright, Emily Noyes and Amy Borgman Present and Non-Voting: Librarian Laura Rochat Meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm. -Treasurer’s Report: *We are preparing for the annual Town Meeting and although our fiscal year runs from July 1- June 30, our numbers in the Town Budget Report…
Minutes of Library Trustee Meeting held 12/16/14
1. Present and Voting: A. Borgman, K.Anderson, C. Wright, D. Childs, M. Foran. Present and Non-Voting: L. Rochat. 2. Minutes of the 11/18/14 Meeting approved. 3. Treasurer’s Report. The following reports were presented and reviewed by the trustees: 1. Library income and expenses 1/13 to 6/14. 2.Proposed budget for fiscal year 7/14 to 6/15. 3….
Minutes of Library Trustees Meeting, 4/7/16
Present and voting: Cat Wright, Dan Childs, Amy Borgman Present and not voting: Laura Rochat (librarian) Not present (and, by default, not voting): Emily Noyes, Kym Anderson -Minutes were accepted -Treasurer’s Report: Dan reports minimal change in our financial status. This was confirmed when he and Amy Borgman reviewed the on-line financial reports. -Librarian’s Report:…
Minutes of Library Trustee Meeting, August 31
MINUTES OF THE BROOKFIELD FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, September 7, 2017 present and voting: Kym Anderson, Amy Borgman, Dan Childs, Emily Noyes present and not voting: Laura Rochat, Librarian, Ruth Goodale, community member not present: Cat Wright, Board Member Minutes of meeting from May 22, 2017 were accepted. Public Comment: Ruth Goodale, lifelong Brookfield resident, talked…
Minutes of the 4/22/15 Meeting of Brookfield Library Trustees
1. Present and Voting: A.Borgman, C.Wright, D.Childs, M.Foran. Absent: K.Anderson. Present and Non-Voting: L.Rochat. 2. Minutes of the 3/24/15 Meeting Approved. 3. Treasurer’s Report: Income exceeding expenses. Overall moneys, courtesy of our bequest, in fine shape. 4. Librarian’s Report: Laura is planning summer events including story hours (Sat and maybe one evening a week), VPR…