1. Present and Voting: A. Borgman, K.Anderson, C. Wright, D. Childs, M. Foran. Present and Non-Voting: L. Rochat.
2. Minutes of the 11/18/14 Meeting approved.
3. Treasurer’s Report. The following reports were presented and reviewed by the trustees: 1. Library income and expenses 1/13 to 6/14. 2.Proposed budget for fiscal year 7/14 to 6/15. 3. Proposed budget for fiscal year 7/15 to 6/16. The reports were approved and while the bottom line numbers are set some movement between expense items are to be allowed without affecting totals.
4. Librarian reports presented and reviewed. The 4/7/15 Sharrow program is set and necessary advertising etc. is in hand. A new projector screen has been purchased and installed – courtesy of D. Childs; the installation that is. Projector purchase has been proposed and approved by trustees. New Rug and maintenance discussion is to be discussed in future meetings.
5. Programs: Jon Binhammer is on board for a March/April nature type program with title to be decided later. Amy Borgman”s Ethiopia program is set for 1/15/15 at 7PM.
6. Making the Library available for meeting of outside groups has been approved but some regulations and rules will have to be in place for these meetings. Some security will probably have to in place also. This will be discussed at next meeting. Town Meeting report is finished and ready for scheduled due date to the town.
7. Next meeting is 1/20/15 at 9AM.