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Minutes of Library Trustee Meeting held 12/16/14
1. Present and Voting: A. Borgman, K.Anderson, C. Wright, D. Childs, M. Foran. Present and Non-Voting: L. Rochat. 2. Minutes of the 11/18/14 Meeting approved. 3. Treasurer’s Report. The following reports were presented and reviewed by the trustees: 1. Library income and expenses 1/13 to 6/14. 2.Proposed budget for fiscal year 7/14 to 6/15. 3….
Minutes of Library Trustee Meeting, August 31
MINUTES OF THE BROOKFIELD FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, September 7, 2017 present and voting: Kym Anderson, Amy Borgman, Dan Childs, Emily Noyes present and not voting: Laura Rochat, Librarian, Ruth Goodale, community member not present: Cat Wright, Board Member Minutes of meeting from May 22, 2017 were accepted. Public Comment: Ruth Goodale, lifelong Brookfield resident, talked…
Minutes of the Library Trustee Meeting, July 28, 2021 (draft)
PRESENT and voting: Amy Borgman, Dan Childs, Emily Noyes, Starr Strong PRESENT and not voting: Laura Rochat, librarian -MINUTES were approved -TREASURER’s REPORT: Dan reminds us that we are into our new fiscal year as of July 1, 2021. Funds have been disbursed by the Town to the Library and we are on budget. Dan…
Minutes of the 3/27/2019 Meeting of Library Trustees
MINUTES OF THE BROOKFIELD LIBRARY TRUSTEES, MARCH 27, 2019 Present and Voting: Kym Anderson, Amy Borgman, Dan Childs, Emily Noyes, Cat Wright Present and Not Voting: Laura Rochat, librarian -Minutes were approved -Treasurer’s Report: Dan was the Library’s representative at Town Meeting. He reports that our funding continues and that no concerns about the Library…
Minutes of the Jan 30, 2019 Meeting of Library Trustees
LIBRARY TRUSTEE MEETING MINUTES, JANUARY 30, 2019 Present and not voting: Laura Rochat, librarian Present and voting: Amy Borgman, Dan Childs, Emily Noyes Not present: Kym Anderson, Cat Wright -Minutes from prior Trustee Meeting were accepted. -Treasurer’s Report: Dan reports that budget for Town Meeting has been prepared and submitted. Minimal changes are expected to…