-Acceptance of the Minutes
-Treasurer’s Report:
-Kym has confirmed Dan’s financials and we continue to be in good shape financially.
-Dan will meet with the Selectboard to discuss changing the Librarian’s salary from an hourly amount to a salary. The Substitute’s salary will also be separated from that of the Librarian. .
-Librarian’s Report:
-Numbers of patrons are still very good with lots of materials being borrowed, even after the Summer season is over.
-ILL is a new service provided by the Green Library Consortium, for a fee, to improve the moving of Inter-Library Loan materials. We can get a once a week pick-up and drop-off and avoid mailing costs and post office trips. Although the GMC will cover half of the first year fees and there may not be much of a cost savings, we will try this and see how well it works. Laura will arrange to set this up.
-Laura is in the process of arranging for a 6 week program for children, to be held at the Library. These would be held once a week, probably Friday mornings. More details to follow.
-Laura will contact the presenter for the Stone Walls presentation. We are looking at a Sunday in January or February.
-Old Business:
-Our first Sunday evening knitting session was a success with 7 happy folks attending. We will continue with these the first and third Sundays of the month from 6:30-8pm.
-New Business:
-re: Programming-please see above (Librarian’s report).
-Cat will contact Andrea Easton about doing a presentation on design.
-The Library Board has been tasked to do an asset evaluation for Insurance purposes. Laura and Dan will meet next week to complete this.
-Anything Else?
-Amy will stop off at Morrison-Clarke to get carpet samples!
-Our attempts to get a consistent meeting time continues to be illusory. Please note that our next Board meeting will be Thursday December 3, 2015 @ 6:30 PM.