- Some say fall is their favorite time of the year! However, winter isn’t too far behind it. It’s time to start doing all those pre-Winter chores that need to be done now
- Check your smoke and CO detectors and change their batteries
- Get your furnace serviced
- Get your chimneys cleaned
- If you have a back-up generator, when was it last serviced?
- Do you have an exit plan in case of a fire? You and all your family members should learn and practice more than one way to exit
- Dig out that snow shovel and gas up that snowblower
- It will soon be time to get those snow tires mounted
- Check those wiper blades
- It’s a good idea to keep your gas tanks full as possible, to prevent condensation, which can cause gas lines to freeze up
- Leave a little early and avoid accidents on slick roadways
- Stock up on supplies needed, in case we’re socked in for a few days
- Also keep in mind that the end of October is Halloween. There may be children walking around and vehicles pulling over along the roadways, dropping off their kids to trick or treat. The children and parents may not wear reflective clothing
- We hope these suggestions give you some insight for the upcoming month?