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Brookfield Planning Commission Draft Minutes July 13, 2021
Minutes DRAFT Brookfield Planning Commission Date: Tuesday July 13, 2021 Present: Gwynn Zakov, Chair, Tim Gershon, Christina Harlow, Martha Judy, Will White, Jon Jickling Public Present: None Chair Zakov called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Harlow moved to approve minutes from the 6/08/21 meeting seconded by White. The minutes were approved unanimously. The…
Brookfield Planning Commission draft minutes July 22, 2020
Minutes DRAFT Brookfield Planning Commission Date: Wednesday July 22, 2020 DRAFT Present: Gwynn Zakov, Chair, Timothy Gershon, Jon Jickling, Martha Judy, William White, Nancy Jacques Public: Susan Shea – Conservation Commission, Laurel Mcewen Chair Zakov called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. Inquired about public to be heard. No public attended. White/Judy moved to…
Brookfield Planning Commission DRAFT Minutes February 9, 2022
Minutes DRAFT Brookfield Planning Commission Date: Wednesday, February 9, 2022 Present: Gwynn Zakov, Chair, Christina Harlow, Martha Judy, Will White, Tim Gershon, Keven Ring Chair Zakov called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. Public Present: None Martha Judy/Christina Harlow moved to approve minutes from the January meeting. The minutes passed unanimously. The planning commission…
Brookfield Planning Commission Draft Minutes September 21, 2021
Minutes DRAFT Brookfield Planning Commission Date: Tuesday, September 21, 2021 Present: Gwynn Zakov, Chair, Tim Gershon, Christina Harlow, Jon Jickling, Will White, Martha Judy Public Present: Jon Binhammer Chair Zakov called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. Jickling/White moved to approve minutes from the 7/13/21 meeting. With amendments, the minutes were approved unanimously. Commissioners…