WEDNESDAY MAY 22, 2019, 5:30 PM
The following members attended: Mike Stoddard, Stuart Edson, Michael Rutkovsky and Lew Stowell with Kate Forrer, Town Forester.
1. Review and Approve Minutes of April 24, 2019. Approved
2. Questions or Issues Brought by Members of the Public. None Attended.
3. Continuing Review of OCSD Activities, Reports and Bills. As of April 30, OCSD has 138 patrol hours (53%) remaining in the contract. L Stowell spoke with LT Clouatre on 5/20/19 whether there was a new policy about charging for meeting attendance. LT Clouatre is to check with Sherriff Bohnyak and get back to L Stowell. L Stowell to attend the next Select Board meeting to request that any unspent OCSD contract monies be used to purchase additional traffic signs and discuss other issues.
4. Continuing Review of Parking and Speed Enforcement on Brookfield Roads.
There were two written traffic citations and two written Warnings issued in April 2019. R Peck completed a reconnaissance of the Town Office parking lot. It can be nearly doubled in size. More planning to include possible parking lot layouts is needed.
5. Review of Radar Speed Cart Deployments in 2019. LT Clouatre stated on 5/20/19 that the Speed Cart data from 2018 had been lost in downloading. He said that the schedule is achievable. He will deploy the cart as soon as he gets a trailer hitch on his cruiser. He will be in charge of the cart this year. There will be no charge for moving the speed cart.
6. Developing and implementing the Draft Emerald Ash Borer Threat Plan. L Stowell reported that R Peck, Town Tree Warden is willing to assist with Ash tree removal efforts but would prefer to not be involved in meetings and decision-making efforts. K Forrer recommended having Russ Barrett be a guest at the next committee meeting. Russ, a retired County Forrester, has been in charge of Northfield’s ROW tree removal. It was decided to complete inventories of roads with likely high numbers of Ash trees in June. S Shaffer and P Mercier will be asked to assist. Other committee members may also assist.
7. E-911 Sign Status. Only a few signs remain to be picked up. M Rutkovsky to call to remind the property owners who ordered signs to pick them up. L Stowell to contact R Peck and K Wheatley about putting the signs on the Town Garage and the Town Fire Station respectively.
8. Traffic Sign Status. R Peck will inventory and install the remaining traffic signs as soon as the East Hill Project is completed.
9. Public Safety Advisory Committee Website Use. S Edson reported that Google Analytics will be installed on the Town Website soon to improve the data about usage of the site.
10. June Public Safety Message. Reviewed and approved as revised.
11. Setting the Next Meeting. June 19, 2019.
12. Inviting Guests to the Next Meeting. Russ Barrett, Washington County Forester, Retired.
13. Adjournment. At 7:00 PM