Town of Brookfield Selectboard Meeting
July 25, 2022
6:30 PM
Town Office
DRAFT Minutes
Present: John Benson, Chair; Betty Lord, Curtis Koren, Keith Sprague, members; Vicki Blanchard, Administrative Assistant, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Warren. Stuart Edson was not present.
A. Call To Order – Mr. Benson called Selectboard meeting to order at 6:36 pm.
B. Adjustments to Agenda – none
C. Public Comments
1. Scott Warren who lives on West Brookfield Road which is a dirt road approached the Selectboard to try to find a solution to prevent the amount of dust he says is very unhealthy and unsafe. Mr. Sprague was told this week that there is a pintle ring which accomodates the pintle hitch on truck 4. As soon as this arrives chloride will be able to be applied to his road as well as other roads in town.
D. Payroll and AP Warrants – Ms. Lord made a motion to accept the AP and Warants as presented with a total of $25,984.01, with the highest payment being made to Work Safe Traffic Control Industries in the amount of $5,995.27. Ms. Koren seconded the motion which carried unanimously 4-0-0
E. Highway Report – Mr. Sprague reported that last week the crew hauled hard pack to stockpile and some ditch stone. Mr. Higgins has been in touch with HP Fairfield/Tenco who are working on the new truck and was told it was headed out to be painted last week so we should be seeing the new truck this week or early next week. Mr. Higgins also asked about purchasing more crushed gravel and crushed stone from WB Rogers. This week they plan to finish installing culverts on Eagle Peak Road for which we have a grant. Mr. Higgins said he met with Jeff Gilman on the ditching to be done for this project and he should have prices sometime this week along with bridge repair prices. Ms. Lord made a motion to have Mr. Benson give WB Rogers approval to move ahead with work on Eagle Peak providing his estimate is within the grant requirements. Mr. Sprague seconded the motion which carried unanimously 4-0-0
F. New Business – none
G. Old Business
1. Heat Pump – The Selectboard is waiting to hear back from the two vendors that gave a quote on the heat pump work with answers to a few extra questions they had on the project work.
H. Meeting Minutes
1. July 11, 2022 – Mr. Sprague made a motion to accept the July 11, 2022 minutes as presented; Ms. Lord seconded the motion which carried unanimously 3-0-0. Ms. Koren had to leave just before the motion.
I Other Proper Business –
1. Oktoberfest – Ms. Lord discussed with the Board the assemblage permit for an event for Oktoberfest and a 5K race to be held on October 8, 2022 in Pond Village. The Board asked for a map of the roads to be closed for the race as well as other information regarding Oktoberfest. Ms. Lord will present the application for permit at the next meeting of the Selectboard.
2. Hippo Park – Ms. Lord reported the Mr. Ted Elzy purchased all the material to fix the fence and that Mr. James Parent came to look at the trees and gave his recommendation. Mr. Jon Bindhimmer will do the work on the trees with the exception of the weeping willow which needs a professional arborist to do the work.
3. VLCT Inspection report (for Town Office, Town Garage and the Fire House) – Mr. Benson will go over the report and report on the results at the next meeting.
J. Adjournment – Mr. Benson made a motion to adjourn at 8:25 pm., Mr. Sprague seconded the motion, and there being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was unanimously adjourned.