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Town Office Closed for Veterans Day
The Brookfield Town Office will be closed on Wednesday November 11 in observance of Veterns Day. Regular office hours will resume at 8:30 Thursday November 12.
Brookfield Town Officer election petitions
The following positions will be on the ballot for election Town Meeting 2022: For a one year term: Town Moderator, Del. Tax Collector, Selectboard Member, 1st Constable, 2nd Constable, and Town Forester. For a three year term: Selectboard Member (2 openings), Lister, Auditor (2 openings), and Library Trustee (2 openings). If you are interested in…
Brookfield Highway Department Materials Policy
The Town of Brookfield would like to remind residents that all materials stock piled on the garage property are for Highway Department use only. The only exception is the limited use of sand for resident driveways during the winter. The Town’s policy regarding use of the Town’s sand supply for private driveways is as follows:…
Warning for Town Meeting 2017
TOWN OF BROOKFIELD ANNUAL MEETING WARNING The legal voters of Brookfield are hereby warned to meet for the annual Town Meeting at the Brookfield Elementary School auditorium at 1725 Ridge Road, Tuesday, March 7, 2017 at 10:00 A.M. to transact the following business: Article: To elect all officers as required by law for the…
Verizon Wireless Application to Public Service Board, Telecommunications Facility, Ridge Road
Verizon Wireless has applied to the state Public Service Board to add to the existing telecommunications facility at 2382 Ridge Road. The resulting tower would be approximately 95 feet high and contain three antennae arrays. An electronic copy of the application can be downloaded by clicking here: Verizon Wireless Ridge Road PSB Application