Brookfield Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes 10-19-2020

Brookfield Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes 10-19-2020 Present: Jon Binhammer, Sue Shea, Jon Jickling, Kathy Kinter Absent: Star Strong Zoom Meeting to order at 7:08 PM Public Comment: none. Motion to approve August minutes as presented was made by Jon J, seconded by Sue. No comments, all approved. Forest fragmentation: Sue received tools from Jens that…


Meeting Minutes of the Brookfield Conservation Commission 8-17-2020

Present: Jon Binhammer, Sue Shea, Jon Jickling Absent: Star Strong, Kathy Kinter Zoom Meeting to order at 7:04 PM There was no one from the public in attendance. Motion to approve May minutes presented was made by Jon J, seconded by Sue. No comments, all approved. Emerald Ash Borer update was not possible as Kate…


Minutes of the Brookfield Conservation Commission 6-15-20

Present: Jon Binhammer, Kathy Kinter, Sue Shea, Starr Strong, Jon Jickling Meeting outside at Town Office came to order at 7:00 PM May minutes were unanimously approved as presented.  Kathy informed the group that she is now posting the minutes on the town site and they will no longer be labeled “draft” or “final”.  If…


Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes 5-18-20

Meeting Minutes of the Brookfield Conservation Commission         5-18-20 Present: Jon Binhammer, Kathy Kinter, Sue Shea, Jon Jickling. Zoom meeting came to order at 7:05 PM January minutes were unanimously approved as presented.  February’s meeting was cancelled due to weather and we did not meet March or April due to covid 19. There was no one…

Conservation Commission Draft Meeting Minutes 1/20/2020

DRAFT    Meeting Minutes of the Brookfield Conservation Commission         1-20-20 Present: Jon Binhammer, Starr Strong, Kathy Kinter, Sue Shea, Jon Jickling. Town Forester Kate Forrer came late. Meeting came to order at 6:55PM December minutes were unanimously approved as presented. There was no one from the public in attendance. Bylaws: Jon B. will have the bylaws…

Brookfield Conservation Commission Nov. 25, 2019 draft meeting minutes

DRAFT       Meeting Minutes of the Brookfield Conservation Commission             Nov. 25, 2019 Present: Jon Binhammer, Starr Strong, Kathy Kinter, Sue Shea, Jon Jickling Meeting came to order at 7:00 PM Review of October minutes which were unanimously approved as presented. There was no one from the public in attendance. Bylaws: We reviewed the second draft, amended…

Brookfield Conservation Commission Oct. 21, 2019 meeting minutes

Approved   Meeting Minutes of the Brookfield Conservation Commission             Oct. 21, 2019 Present: Jon Binhammer, Starr Strong, Kathy Kinter, Sue Shea, Jon Jickling Meeting came to order at 7:03 PM Review of August and September minutes.  Both were unanimously approved as presented. There was no one from the public in attendance. Bylaws: We began the review…

Brookfield Conservation Commission Draft Minutes 19 Aug 2019

DRAFT Meeting Minutes of the Brookfield Conservation Commission             August 19, 2019 Present: Jon Binhammer, Jon Jickling, Susan Shea, Kathy Kinter      Absent: Starr Strong Jon B reviewed minutes from the June meeting for approval.  They were unanimously approved after discussion about our commission’s role regarding EAB. Sue will read Safety Committee’s minutes to keep abreast of…

Brookfield Conservation Commission May 20, 2019 Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes of the Brookfield Conservation Commission   May 20, 2019 Present: Jon Binhammer, Jon Jickling, Starr Strong, Susan Shea, Kathy Kinter Jon Binhammer reviewed terms of office for newly appointed commission as approved by the Select Board at their April 8 meeting: Jon Jickling: 3 yrs.   Sue Shea: 2 yrs.   Starr Strong: 1 yr.   Jon…

Brookfield Conservation Commission June 17, 2019 Meeting minutes draft

Brookfield Conservation Commission June 17, 2019 Meeting Minutes draft Susan Shea, Starr Strong and Jon Binhammer in attendance Review Agenda – Sue Shea wanted to talk about a possible potential project for the Commission Approval of Minutes of the May 20 meeting – minutes approved Review of by-laws of Conservation Commission: Commissioners reviewed bylaws from…