Draft Meeting Minutes of the Brookfield Conservation Commission 5-17-21
Present: Jon Binhammer, Sue Shea, Jon Jickling, Kathy Kinter, Starr Strong
Zoom Meeting to order at 7:07 PM
Public Comment: none.
Motion to approve April minutes as amended by Sue was made by Jon J and seconded by Starr. All approved.
Annual Meeting: We held an election of officers, per our bylaws, and there were no changes. Jon B is chair, Sue is vice chair, Jon J is treasurer and Kathy is clerk. Starr is responsible for Green Up Day. Kathy suggested a point person assume responsibility for growing our stakeholder list. We will share responsibility for making sure we gather contact information at events and maintain a shared database. Minutes will be rotated and Kathy will continue to post them.
Green Up Day: Starr provided stats on the day. There were about 45 volunteers, not including the 12 families from W. Brookfield, 32 miles of road cleaned, 50 tires, 94 bags of trash. Hazardous waste was discussed at length, as it presents problems for volunteers staffing the town garage drop off. Starr will pursue a possible solution and will contact Green Up. Discussion followed concerning redeemable container options, including a bottle drive to benefit our commission.
Planning Commission (PC) and Zoning Bylaws: Kevin Geiger of Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission (TOROC) has offered to review our bylaws in June and then come to a meeting to answer questions. The PC would like us to vet his recommendations. Jon J will contact him and ask him to send his review to him.
Values Mapping and Natural Resource Inventory: Kathy spoke with Jens Hilke of VT Fish and Wildlife and he offered to do strategic planning with us to help us determine our path forward. Options were discussed and Kathy will contact Jens to get more information for discussion and a decision at the June meeting.
Schoolyard Habitat: Jon B reported that principal and teachers want an outdoor classroom/structure with the raised beds moved to that area. Well will be drilled this summer. Jon wants to integrate plantings in that area. We will assume more of a consulting role re: habitat enhancement.
Other Business:
Wildlife Crossing: Sue has a call in to the VTrans biologist.
Next meeting will be June 21, likely on zoom.
Adjourned meeting at 8:33 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Kinter