Meeting Minutes of the Brookfield Conservation Commission 6-20-22
Present: Sue Shea, Jon Binhammer, Jon Jickling Absent: Starr Strong
Zoom meeting came to order at 7:09 PM
- Review Agenda
- Public Comment: There was no one from the public in attendance.
- Approval of Minutes of the May 2022 meeting: May minutes pending – to be reviewed at July meeting.
- Membership: Sue, Jon and Kathy contacted possible candidates who declined. Holly Dustin, Beth Urie, and East Hill folks who went on hikes are other potential candidates. Jon B. will contact them. In July, we will decide whether to advertise on FPF.
- Field Trips: Proposed visit to Town Forest September 24 or 25 with County Forester AJ Follensbee to introduce forest managment plan and discuss other activities.
Hikes on Class 4 roads are other possible field trips. Potential locations are Cram Hill Road or Class 4 road between East St. and Rt. 65.
- Presentation of Community Values Mapping: Jens Hilke sent Jon B. a link to download all the data, a bit challenging technically. Jon will ask Jens if he is willing to present the findings to the community.
- Solar Preferred Site Discussion: Should we develop criteria for preferred sites for solar projects? We should find out if the Planning Commission is working on this. Jon B. will reach out to Gwynn Z.
- Schoolyard Habitat: Jon B. sent an e-mail to Brookfield School principal regarding the new outdoor classroom and opportunities for restoration work. There doesn’t seem to be much interest from them in collaboration but if we can find a motivated teacher we may continue to pursue.
- Town Forest Plan: Reviewed map and preliminary harvest schedule prepared by AJ Follensbee. Discussed desire that AJ participate in next CC meeting in July to review full draft plan and to discuss possible September public hike in the Town Forest.
- I-89 Underpass Wildlife Corridor Update: Jens Hilke was supposed to do a site inspection with VTRANS, no word yet whether it happened and result. Jens was interested that Williamstown had land adjacent to Brookfield which would improve wildlife corridor in northern part of town.
- Adjourn: Meeting adjourned at 8:20 PM.
Next meeting: July 25, with focus to review Town Forest Plan with AJ Follensbee.
Respectfully submitted,
Jon Jickling