1. Present and Voting: A. Borgman, K. Anderson, C. Wright, D. Childs, M. Foran. Present and Non-Voting: L. Rochat.
2. Minutes of the 12/17/14 Meeting Approved.
3. Treasurer’s Report. All budgetary requirements need for the upcoming Town Meeting have been submitted. The church is to be queried as to any outstanding payments that are due for past events.
4. Librarian’s Report. New projector/Computer intermesh problems are being resolved so that compatibility will be attained. The Sharrow oral history program is set for 2/4/15 and advertising, setup and personnel are in place. A. Borgman’s program has given us an idea of what capacity seating can be handled by future programs that may be held in the library rather than outside venues.
5. Old Town Hall is willing to co-sponsor children oriented events in the summer with us with Clotilde Hryshko being the contact person – their events meeting is in March. John Binhammer’s program (probably in March) is set with him but subject and date still to be settled.
6. Next meeting: 2/24/15 Tuesday at 9AM.