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Minutes of the April 17th Meeting of Library Trustees
MINUTES OF THE BROOKFIELD FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY TRUSTEE MEETING, April 17, 2017 Present and Voting: Kym Anderson, Amy Borgman, Dan Childs, Emily Noyes, Cat Wright Present and Not voting: Laura Rochat, librarian -Minutes were accepted -Treasurer’s Report: We continue to be in good financial shape as we approach the end of our Town fiscal year,…
Minutes of the Brookfield Free Public Library Trustee Meeting, September 17, 2015
Present and Voting: Amy, Cat, Kym Absent: Laura, Dan, Emily 1. Per Dan, in absentia, minimal change in our current financials. 2. Librarian’s Report, per Laura, in absentia: -Patron and library use numbers continue to be good -State library resources continue to diminish with hours cut and new acquisitions on hold 3. Current Issues: -Dan…
9/16/14 Minutes of Library Trustee Meeting
1. Present and Voting: A. Borgman, K. Anderson, M. Foran. Present and Non Voting: L. Rochat. Absent: D. Childs, C. Wright. 2. Minutes of 8/19/14 Meeting approved. No Treasurer’s Report this month. 3. Greg Sharrow presentation on hold until Historical Society and Library can agree on a date and time that would also be agreeable…
Minutes of the 8/20/15 Meeting of Brookfield Library Trustees, draft
MINUTES OF THE BROOKFIELD LIBRARY TRUSTEES, AUGUST 20, 2015 Present and voting: Amy Borgman, Dan Childs, Emily Noyes. Present and not voting: Laura Rochat We gratefully welcome Emily Noyes to the Board. Minutes: Last months minutes are amended to reflect that Laura was present but not voting, and are now accepted. Treasurer’s Report: Dan reports…
Minutes of the Board of Trustees of the Brookfield Free Public Library, May 3, 2023
-Minutes were approved-Treasurer’s Report: Dan Childs, Treasurer reports 2 items of note: *Town has paid the Library 1/2 of allotted funds for the year *Fidelity account has been closed and funds are moved to Vanguard, to streamline management of our funds -Librarian’s Report: Laura Rochat, Librarian, reports; *She met with 5 VTC Landscape Design students and…