Present and Voting: Trustees Dan Childs, Cat Wright, Emily Noyes and Amy Borgman
Present and Non-Voting: Librarian Laura Rochat
Meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm.
-Treasurer’s Report:
*We are preparing for the annual Town Meeting and although our fiscal year runs from July 1- June 30, our numbers in the Town Budget Report at the meeting will reflect a 6 month fiscal timeframe to December 2015. We continue to be in a secure financial position at this time.
-Librarian’s Report:
*The library continues to be busy with patrons of many ages borrowing items from our collections.
*Laura has applied for the ILL courier service which, if we are selected, may improve access and return of inter-library materials. We should soon know if we have been selected to use this service.
* The Library Standards report was completed and submitted.
* Discussion around magazines subscriptions and Library Passes.
-Old Business:
*The knitting group continues to be popular and will be available the first and 3rd Sundays of the month at 6:30. Mary Lou Maeder continues to be an invaluable part of the group.
-New Business:
*Laura is in the process of putting together a children’s program series to run in January and February. More details when available.
*Laura will work with the presenter to come up with a date for the Stone Walls program.
*Cat is in touch with Andrea Easton about a program on Home Decorating.
*The Board reviewed carpet samples, Laura will be in touch with Paul Morrison about next steps.