Present and Voting: Kym Anderson, Amy Borgman, Dan Childs, Emily Noyes
Present and Not Voting: Laura Rochat, librarian
-Minutes were accepted
-Treasurer’s Report: Financials are good, no news to report.
-Librarian’s Report: Library patronage has been good as new families have moved into Brookfield and are discovering the Library. Lots of Inter-library loans are requested so despite decreased hours our Library is busy. No current plans to open more hours at this time.
-New Business: The Board has agreed to move forward with summer programming by contacting both the Southern Vermont Museum of Natural History and a more local person to set up 2 separate live animal presentations this summer for our Brookfield population, time and place to be decided. Other programming sponsored by the Library may be possible as well, to be decided at a future date as life under the Covid pandemic continues to adapt. 2 boxes of books discarded by our Library for children and teens have been delivered to a grateful Department of Children and Families in Barre. These will be distributed to Foster Families.
-Old Business: Dan has installed a new OOMA phone system to replace the more expensive ECFiber line. This seems to be working well. The West Brookfield Library Book Shuttle is running on schedule. Amy will contact Tina to ask her to remind W Brookfield residents of our time frame for pick up of books on the first and third Saturday of the month. The Brookfield Scholarship fund is designated for Brookfield HS Grads heading off as first generation College attendees. Kym Anderson, in her swan song for the Library, has agreed to contact the person who is responsible for coordinating Scholarships offered through RUHS, about this new opportunity.
-Anything Else?
THANK YOU KYM ANDERSON FOR YOUR TIME, ENERGY, WISDOM AND AMAZING HAIR in your years of service to our community. You will be missed. Now go read a book.
Next Meeting is scheduled for June 2, 2021 @ 6:30pm. Stay well.