1. Present and Voting: A.Borgman, C.Wright, D.Childs, M.Foran. Absent: K.Anderson. Present and Non-Voting: L.Rochat.
2. Minutes of the 3/24/15 Meeting Approved.
3. Treasurer’s Report: Income exceeding expenses. Overall moneys, courtesy of our bequest, in fine shape.
4. Librarian’s Report: Laura is planning summer events including story hours (Sat and maybe one evening a week), VPR movie, and music program. These projected programs are being planned with dates around Town Hall’s programs. Barb’s program will be held in the library. Present passes are being renewed as they run out.
5. A.Borgman is working on a draft User’s List for rules and regulation for non-library events – nothing new but just to have it in print. Bridge Event will have us running a Book Sale booth 10 to 1 on Sat. 5/23/15. C. Wright will run it with L.Rochat and D.Childs setting it up on Fri. 5/22 – tent by Childs. Green-Up Day 10AM at library 5/2/15. A motion to institute “Minutes by Kym” beginning in May. Since Tommy Z. is out of town this summer a De(Re)Construction Program is on hold.
6. Next meeting 5/20/15 Wed. at 8:30AM.