WEDNESDAY AUGUST 26, 2020, 5:30 PM
BROOKFIELD CONGREGATION CHURCH (Corner of RT 65 and Ridge Rd, Basement)
The following members attended: Stuart Edson, Michael Rutkovsky, Mike Stoddard, Dan Mason and Lew Stowell.
- 5:30 PM: Call to Order No additions or deletions made to the agenda.
- Review and approve of Unapproved Minutes July 29, 2020 meeting. Approved 5-0.
- Open public comment period No guests or members of the public attended.
- Continuing Review of OCSD Activities, Reports and Bills to include:
- Patrol Hours and Budget- 14.25 patrol hours performed for $684.00.
- Speed Cart Results- Two deployments: West Street and Stone Road.
- Other-N/A
- Parking in Pond Village- Town Office Parking Lot expansion not started yet because of Road Crew priority issues.
- Town Traffic Enforcement Capability
- Over Weight and Over Sized Status- L. Stowell to send recommendations to Select Board on Overweight Permit Process.
- Traffic Sign Status- L. Stowell to send recommendations to Select Board on a sustainable traffic sign program.
- Traffic Studies- The Two Rivers- Ottauquechee Regional Commission (TRORC) is conducting four traffic studies in Brookfield; on West Street, East Street, Northfield Road and Stone Road which should provide valuable traffic data.
- Ordinance Review- L. Stowell to send members electronic versions of the latest Local Roads or VLCT model for Traffic Ordinances.
- E-911 Sign Status- M. Rutkovsky to check on E-911 signs that have not been picked up yet.
- Emerald Ash Borer Progress- L. Stowell to contact J. Kimmel about the storage of the EAB traps.
- Public Safety Advisory Committee Website Use-The group email was used by a resident to report a broken tree threatening traffic vicinity Route 14 and Mckeage Road.
- September Public Safety Message- School openings require increased driver vigilance.
- Setting the Next Meeting- September 30, 2020 at the Congregational Church at 5:30 PM.
- Inviting Guests to the Next Meeting- No guests to be invited.
- Entertain a motion to adjourn the meeting- S Edson & M Rutkovsky. Approved 5-0.