WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 2022, 5:30 PM
The Brookfield Public Safety Advisory Committee met in person as warned.
The following members attended: Mike Stoddard, Michael Rutkovsky, Stuart Edson and Lew Stowell. The following members of the public attended: Sarah Isham, Charlie Isham and Clotilde Hryshko.
- 5:30 PM: Call to Order There were no additions or deletions to the agenda
- Review, revise or approve the January 19, 2021 meeting minutes. Approved as written 4-0.
- Questions or Issues Brought by Members of the Public followed the agenda.
- Vehicle, Pedestrian, Horse and Bicycle Safety- Grant Exploration- S. Isham suggested the following as possible grant sources: VT Horse Council, Kingdom Trails and Covid funds. L Stowell reported that TRORC will assist towns in applying for grants and he will to continue to research grant sources. Members were provided grant documents for VTRANS Bicycle/Pedestrian grants. Isham pointed out that riding or driving horses on West Street and Crossover Road could be hazardous because of speeding vehicles.
- Review and Discussion of OCSD Activities including Patrol Hours, Reports and Bills- It was noted that only five hours of patrols were conducted in January.
- Town Meeting Preparation (May 21, 2021)- As home-work the committee will come up with matters that should be presented at the town meeting in May.
- Speed Cart Deployments-Review-C. Hryshko brought up the high speed that some cars and trucks traveled at on Route 14 South of East Brookfield. She requested either a speed cart or stationary radar or both set up near her home. Members were asked to work on drafting the 2022 Speed Cart plan. S. Edson suggested that OCSD patrols set up more stationary radar positions. Stowell reported that the VSP Royalton Barracks has a speed cart that can be deployed to locations with speeding or traffic issues.
- Traffic, Road Name and Weight Limit Sign Status- S. Isham said there were missing signs on West Street. S. Edson said there was an incorrect Stop sign at West Street and Northfield Rd.
- Traffic Ordinance Status-L. Stowell to ask K. Threlkeld for the status of the draft Traffic Ordinance presented to the Select Board in early 2021.
- Parking Issues in Brookfield-There are issues with parking near Hippo Park and a trash can and porta potty should be placed on the West side of the floating Bridge in April.
- April Public Safety Message- L. Stowell to create the April message on pedestrian safety. The March safety message created by M. Stoddard will be posted soon.
- Setting the Next Meeting-Wednesday April 6, 2022 at 5:30 PM at the Congregational Church.
- Inviting Guests to the Next Meeting- Either Scott Clouatre or Bill Bohnyak. L. Stowell to approach Dennis Laroque about being a guest on a more favorable day of the week for May.
- Final Public Comment-S. Isham requested that horse warning signs be posted on West Street and Crossover Roads. Isham to send L. Stowell the link to the horse statue in the VSA.
Entertained a motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion made by M. Stoddard and seconded by M. Rutkovsky. Passed 4-0 at 7:04 PM.