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2nd installment of taxes due
The 2nd installment for the 2018-2019 tax year is due on Saturday, May 4th. I will be open additional hours on Friday, May 3rd from 4:30-7:00 and on Saturday, May 4th from 9:00-1:00. Postmarks do count if you mail them in by the 4th.
Town of Brookfield Annual Meeting Warning
TOWN OF BROOKFIELD ANNUAL MEETING WARNING The legal voters of Brookfield are hereby warned to meet for the annual Town Meeting at the Brookfield Elementary School auditorium at 1725 Ridge Road, Tuesday, March 3, 2015 at 10:00 A.M. to transact the following business: Article: To elect all officers as required by law for the ensuing…
Brookfield Taxes Due: May 9th
The second payment for 2015-2016 taxes are due May 9th. Please see the calendar on this site for the additional hours the Town Office will be open to collect taxes. Teresa Godfrey, Treasurer
OSSD Annual School Meeting Warning 2019
The annual meeting will be held on Monday, March 4, 2019 at the Murray Auditorium at the Randolph Union High School at 6:00 p.m. Please go to this link for more information: OSSD Annual Meeting Warning 2019