Town Clerk’s Office
40 Ralph Road
Brookfield, Vermont
Meeting of MONDAY, 22 May 2017
1. The meeting was called to order at 6:33 P.M.
Members present: John Benson, Chair; Jeff Kimmel, and Cory Haggett.
Staff present: Carla Preston, Alternate Administrative Assistant.
Others present: Ray Peck, Road Crew Foreman; and Daniel Schmidt, Watershed Manager, Vermont Youth Conservation Corps.
2. Adjustments to Agenda – The Board moved discussion items up in the agenda to address persons present.
3. Public Presentation or Comment
4. New Business
A. Highway Report
1. Winter sand payments (prior year and current year) –
Chair Benson indicated that it was unclear whether Doug Haggett had been paid for sand and crushing material from the prior year in the vicinity of $50,000. Larry Hebert has delivered the winter sand for the current year and submitted his invoice totaling $49,000. That invoice reflects a $930.80 discount if paid by the end of May. Chair Benson explained that if money is still owed to Mr. Haggett for the prior year, Mr. Hebert cannot be paid until the beginning of the next fiscal year, July 1, 2017.
Cory Haggett felt that it had been paid noting it was too long to remain outstanding. According to the Town Report, Highway section, $54,600 was paid out in the prior year ending 6/30/2016. The Town budgeted $50,000 for sand for the current fiscal year but has not paid out any monies out of that account.
Mr. Peck agreed to contact Doug Haggett to verify whether or not he was paid for the sand delivered in the prior year and will then notify Administrative Assistant Kasey Peterson.
The Board discussed how to best to handle approval of the warrants which included the invoice from Mr. Hebert. The Board agreed to tentatively approve payment to Mr. Hebert and save $930 provided there are no monies still owed to Doug Haggett for the prior year’s sand.
2. Route 65 –
Mr. Peck reported on his meeting with John Slaytick from the Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans). He updated the Board about the status of Route 65 and what is needed for repairs. The road needs to be graded, but there needs to be a reduction in the loose material that tends to result. Mr. Peck agreed to submit his notes of their meeting to include the date, topics discussed, and plans; this will memorialize their findings and recommendations moving forward.
3. Culverts –
Mr. Peck reported that he met with Jaron Borg from the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources (ANR) to establish an elevation point on Bear Hill Road so the Town can put out a bid for a box culvert. He advised that Two Rivers Ottauquechee Regional Commission has not yet provided the map or road inventory system needed for this project. Mr. Peck advised he will meet with representatives from VTrans to discuss the grant and possible 10 percent Town match. He agreed to sketch out what is needed and invite area contractors to discuss the project, water diversion, erosion control measures, and so forth as well as the date and time to submit bids.
4. Mr. Peck advised he plans to meet with Dan Bohnyak and his neighbors along Lamson Pond Road on May 23rd to discuss a potential culvert and upgrading the road.
5. Mr. Peck mentioned that Ed Koren has placed white rocks along his property in an effort to keep people from parking on this property. He was worried that someone might hit the rock. The Board believed that the rock in question was located within the right-of-way. Mr. Peck agreed to speak to Mr. Koren.
6. Mr. Peck mentioned West Brookfield noting that property owners need to be advised of the plans to widen the road and tree trimming.
7. The Board reminded Mr. Peck to complete his annual review evaluation for Richard Hamblin which is due in May.
B. Daniel Schmidt, Watershed Manager, Vermont Youth Conservation Corps. attended the meeting to discuss the Corps’ project for the Town of Brookfield.
Mr. Schmidt advised that additional funding was received through the state’s Environmental Conservation division to assess all Class IV roads in town. He advised that Municipal Roads General Permit standards will be applied and documented. VYCC crews will be available to do the fixes at no cost to the Town. He described the criteria, which essentially pertain to hydrologically connected water entering or exiting a stream or wetland, gully erosion of more than a foot, and so forth. They have an eight-member crew, two of whom perform the inventory and mark the problems, and the
rest of the crew follows and does the repair work. Mr. Schmidt advised they utilize a digitized general permit form and explained the benefits of using that option. He indicated that there is a place for notes if they find erosion less than one foot which is documented for the Town but is not sent to the state. He estimated two to three weeks to complete the project once they begin. They plan to begin at Taylor Hill Road.
The Board offered the VYCC materials for repairs, and if needed, to coordinate with Mr. Peck for delivery. The road crew works four 10- hour days per week during the summer. Chair Benson asked if the digitized permit would be available to the Town for other Classes of roads. Mr. Peck will establish a priority list.
Mr. Schmidt advised that part of the inventory assesses if there is enough material to do the fix. They utilize native stone whenever possible to create headers and other fixes. He noted that using the same template for the permit is the general idea. He believes the General Permit is valid for 20 years. They will begin with the Class IV roads and hope there is funding next year to move on to Class III roads.
Mr. Kimmel noted that Brookfield has 12.78 miles of Class IV roads which are very widely spread. Members recommended contacting Mr. Peck about the use of native stone noting that some residents could be upset by it. The Board advised Mr. Schmidt that camping was available at the Allis State Park which opens up Memorial Day Weekend.
Mr. Schmidt advised they would not use stone walls but agreed to check with Mr. Peck about the use of native stone. They have a Memorandum of Understanding and their own insurance. The project report will be sent to the state and the Town will receive a copy of the report for its records.
C. Brookfield Community Partnership – Summer Public Assemblage Permits
The Board noted that the current provision requires a permit for 50 or more people inside the village limits, and for 100 or more people outside the village limits. Mr. Haggett made a motion, seconded by Mr. Kimmel, to approve the applications submitted. The Town has not yet heard from Mr. Fink, owner of Ariel’s Restaurant, with respect to parking. The question was called and the motion passed unanimously.
5. Old Business
The Chair called for approval of the Minutes of the 8 May 2017 meeting.
Mr. Haggett made a motion, seconded by Mr. Kimmel, to approve the Minutes of the 8 May 2017 meeting as presented. The question was called and the motion passed unanimously.
6. Payroll/Accounts Payable Warrant
Based on the documents presented, Chair Benson made a motion, seconded by Mr. Kimmel, to accept the payroll and accounts payable warrants totaling $60,860.21. As discussed above, the Board will communicate with Doug Haggett on May 23rd about prior payment for sand. If he has been paid, Mr. Hebert will be paid $49,000 to save the $930.80 discount. If not, Doug Haggett will be paid now, and Mr. Hebert will be paid in early July. Mr. Kimmel well confirm with Ms. Peterson about which contractor to pay. The question was called and the motion passed unanimously.
7. Other Proper Business
A. Chair Benson advised he communicated with Town Clerk Teresa Godfrey about hiring an accountancy firm to conduct the audit which needs to be done soon to get on the list. She prefers the same firm as the prior year, Fothergill, Segale & Valley out of Montpelier, because they are familiar with the town’s system. He asked her to document the rationale for hiring that firm.
B. Chair Benson indicated that the town needs legal advice with respect to the boundary line adjustment with property owners abutting the Town garage property. He has reached out to Attorney Pam Stafford to find out if the landowners’ property taxes can be abated as payment for the property or if the Town has to purchase the land involved in the boundary adjustment.
Mr. Haggett pointed out that he wants further clarification from Mr. Kidder before the Town pays out $5,500. Mr. Kidder does not yet own the land being discussed.
Chair Benson will ask Ms. Peterson for the contact information for Thomas Young, the person who currently owns the subject property, before going much further. He will communicate directly with Mr. Young to verify he is in agreement with the plan. He will also discuss the placement of the stakes with the other landowner, Rose Young, to see if she is amenable to bringing the line straight down, making the property the shape of a small triangle. He noted it would be in the Town’s best interest to also acquire that piece of property.
C. Chair Benson noted that they have not yet seen a contract from Barre Town Ambulance Service for the northern portion of the Town. He acknowledged that they wanted to discuss dead end roads and winter road closures with Mr. Peck. The plan is to have it implemented by July 1st. Mr. Benson asked whether the Town Clerk or Listers would have any suggestions, or could provide information, about how to divide the Town for EMS services between Barre Town Ambulance and White River Valley Ambulance. After further discussion, Mr. Haggett agreed to contact Julie Benedict for an update. An agreement about the division of the Town needs to be made by the Selectboard’s last meeting in June. Ms. Benedict may be invited to an upcoming meeting if needed to finalize details.
8. The next regular meeting of the Brookfield Selectboard is scheduled for June 12, 2017.
9. Adjournment
Mr. Kimmel made a motion, seconded by Chair Benson, to adjourn the meeting at 7:57 PM. Motion passed unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Carla Preston
Alternate Administrative Assistant
Town of Brookfield