Town of Brookfield
Selectboard Meeting
24 July 2017 at 6:30 PM
Town Clerk’s Office
Draft Minutes
Present: John Benson (Chair), Jeff Kimmel, Ray Peck (Road Crew Foreman), Rose Baier, Lew Stowell, Start Edson, Dan Childs
- Call to Order – 6:30 p.m.
- Adjustments to Agenda – include Ms. Baier first in order.
3 Public Presentation or Comment – Ms. Baier, whose parcel and residence adjoins the Town Garage property, requested an update on the Town’s plans for expanding the Garage parcel and how it might affect her property. The Board is looking at purchasing a 0.17 acre portion of her parcel to improve access to both Town property and additional private property to the north that could also be involved in the deal. Ms. Baier sought assurances that the Town would pay fair value, which the Board indicated was its intent and that there were several options for providing compensation. Ms. Baier and the Board will follow up on the matter.
- New Business:
- Public Safety Committee: Mr. Edson and Mr. Stowell presented a packet of information including a description of their activities in reviewing traffic, vehicle speed, and road sign issues, along with providing a series of recommendations for addressing possible resolutions. The Committee offered amendments to the Town’s Traffic Ordinance. Budget questions, including conforming payments to the fiscal year structure, were also discussed. The Board thanked the Committee members for their time, efforts, and diligence in performing their review, and promised to carefully review the material. The Board will also have to consider the appropriate methods and timing for implementing the recommendations.
- ECFiber: Mr. Childs reported that Brookfield is on the list for buildout next year, with anticipated completion by late 2018. Town residents had a high rate of pre-signup for ECFiber services, which helped in pushing the project forward. This year’s work will include “make-ready” efforts, including engineering and pole licensing preparations.
- Highway Report:
- Mr. Peck was still awaiting word from the state AoT about whether Brookfield would qualify for FEMA funding in response to the July 1 flash flood event.
- In a related matter: much repair work has already been done on the flood-damaged intersection of West Street and Northfield Road. The intersection is open to two-way traffic. The Highway Department is considering appropriate measures, such as whether to grind up damaged pavement for use in further repair work. Also, a damaged culvert at the intersection is still plugged with rocks and detritus; the best approach will be to replace it with a new 30 inch culvert, which could occur within the next week.
- Mr. Edson had indicated that he is interested in undertaking the road status/condition inventory requested by the state. He will coordinate with Kasey Peterson (Town Administrative Assistant) on the software and estimating the time required for the project.
- Discussions continue with VTrans on repair and completion of the VT Route 65 resurfacing project. Mr. Peck reported that the finish work should be completed this year. Mr. Benson suggested that Mr. Peck also verify that the proposed depth of material and compaction efficiency is appropriate.
- Repair of Bridge 32 (Old Post Road) will be completed by the end of August.
- Mr. Peck said that the Road Crew will work with Mrs. Peterson on a system for ensuring that time sheets are completed in an accurate and timely manner.
- The Town Clerk’s Office received AoT’s annual “Certificate of Highway Mileage” and Town Highway Map.
- Cleanup of Eagle Peak Road in West Brookfield is continuing.
- The Board discussed with Mr. Peck the possibility and requirements for hiring part-time help to assist with summer projects.
- The state sent Brookfield’s Education Tax Rates for 2017: Resident Rate is $1.3000, Non-Resident Rate is $1.4220.
- Old Business
- Cemeteries: Joe Mangan (Cemetery Sexton) submitted a budget plan for the 2017-2018 fiscal year; on motion of Mr. Benson, Mr. Kimmel seconded, the plan was approved. 2-0-0
- Mr. Kimmel made a motion to approve the minutes of the July 10 Meeting. Mr. Benson seconded. 2-0-0
- The Board acknowledged receipt of a sample Credit Card Policy from Mrs. Peterson. The proposal will be reviewed and revised as needed, and then acted upon.
- Mr. Kimmel noted that there will be a meeting with representatives from White River Valley Ambulance, Barre Town Emergency Services, and Brookfield regarding revision of services in Town. The meeting will be Thursday, July 27, 6:00 p.m., at the Town Clerk’s Office.
- Mr. Kimmel made a motion to pay the warrants totaling $21,319.23. Large bills include S. Wheatley & Sons: $4,540.00; Gorman Group LLC: $3,915.00; Southworth Milton Inc.: $3,048.46. Mr. Benson seconded. 2-0-0.
- Other Proper Business – none
- Mr. Kimmel made a motion to adjourn at 8:35 p.m., Mr. Benson seconded. 2-0-0