Town of Brookfield
Selectboard Meeting
February 26, 2018 at 6:30 P.M.
Town Clerk’s Office
Present: Cory Haggett (Acting Chair), Jeff Kimmel, Ray Peck (Road Crew Foreman), Dawn Conant, Dennis Larocque, Jon Binhammer
- Call to Order – 6:30 p.m.
- Adjustments to Agenda – Mr. Binhammer and Mr. Larocque attending (see public comment section below).
- Public Comment
- Larocque – asked about the Public Safety Advisory Committee and Extra Vehicle Parking and if that issue has been addressed/taken care of.
- Peck said speed signage went up today and need to continue to follow up with the Orange County Sheriff. Mr. Kimmel said the Selectboard is not handing out tickets, leaving that to the Sheriff and qualified law enforcement officials to do. Mr. Haggett mentioned that John Benson (Selectboard Chair) was plannning to follow up with the Sheriff and was unsure at this time if he had.
- Haggett suggested that Mr. Larocque attend the next Public Safety Meeting, which is being held on February 28th at 5:30 p.m.
- Binhammer wanted to know if the Selectboard had looked at his proposal regarding establishing a Conservation Commission for the Town of Brookfield. He met with the Planning Commission who voted to establish the Conservation Commission.
- Does the Selectboard need to establish the entity? Does it need to go before the voters? Mr. Kimmel needs to check the state statutes and Town charter for the information on the mechanics of establishing and operating a commission.
- Binhammer hopes to have the Commission advise the Selectboard about conservation issues in the Town and education for managing the Town Forest and other Town properties. Brookfield has money from logging at the Town Forest which could go towards this issue.
- Kimmel said Mr. Binhammer could raise the proposed creation of a Conservation Commission with voters at Town Meeting and see what they thought, as “other proper business” towards the end of the meeting.
- Larocque asked if there would be any cost to the Town to establish this Conservation Commission. Mr. Binhammer said that it varies among other towns that have created such commissions and sought money through the town budget approval process. This depends on what the Town envisions the proposed Commission would do. At this time he does not envision anything needed in the short- or possible long-term.
- New Business:
- Town Budget Informational Meeting: All set for Town Meeting. Other than Mr. Binhammer’s inquiry, no other questions came up.
- Highway Department:
- Roads and Bridges Standards Certificate of Compliance: it was suggested that the item be tabled until Mr. Benson is back (at the next Selectboard meeting).
- Grant Application
- Chelsea Mill Road – ¼ mile of paving.
- Ray is checking potholes.
- Ray is getting quotes – the submission is due April 15th.
- Letter from Pat Mercier
- Received another letter from Ms. Mercier. The Selectboard has decided to schedule another site visit with her to discuss ongoing issues with the Town’s maintenance practices on her road.
- Ray Peck – Additional Highway Information
- One of the trucks has a continuing problem with its fan. The truck is going to Lebanon this week to be fixed again.
- Hoping to have a quote on March 2nd or 3rd for the new truck (as proposed in the Warning for Town Meeting). If Mr. Peck has the information ready we will be able to order it as soon as possible, as he is concerned with the time frame for truck delivery. Mr. Peck cited another town had those issues, plus we are still going to get $15,000 at trade-in time for our current truck and he wants to make sure it still is working.
- He ordered fuel from Global for $2.28 a gallon; other quotes were for $2.33.
- Mud Season – The Highway Department is halfway through the pile of sand/salt. Seasonal usage is looking good so far.
- Peck asked about the property next to the Town Garage and if all is legally surveyed etc. Mr. Kimmel said the markers are there and that there should be a map/plat in the Town records describing the property.
- Haggett asked if all the roads had been posted: Mr. Peck indicated that the Highway Department had been taking care of it.
- Bill Grady is logging on Taylor Hill. Mr. Peck will visit with him to make sure he understands the posting rules etc.
- Repairs/Painting Town Office Building
- We have one quote for painting.
- The Board will ask Mrs. Peterson (Administrative Assistant) to get the RFQ distributed for potential contractors for possible siding of the building. This will include posting on the Town website and possibly in the Herald.
- Public Assemblage Permit – Randolph Area Food Shelf: regarding a fundraising walk in May. Mr. Kimmel made a motion to approve the application as presented; Mr. Haggett seconded: 2-0-0.
- Old Business:
- Approve Minutes of January 8th meeting: Mr. Kimmel made a motion to approve the January 8th meeting minutes; Mr. Haggett seconded: 2-0-0.
- Approve Minutes of February 12th meeting: table approval of February 12th minutes until next meeting.
- Warrants: Haggett made a motion to pay the warrants totaling $75,634.29. Large bills include Orange County Treasurer (annual fee): $35,164.10; VT League of Cities & Towns (annual insurance/fees): $33,572.00; Blue Cross/Blue Shield (insurance): $3,759.60; Mr. Kimmel seconded: 2-0-0.
- Other Proper Business:
- Trash at the former Smith house on Ridge Road is increasing; the Town Health Officer has been unavailable, so not sure if this has been addressed yet.
- Need to have Mrs. Peterson provide information to WRVA regarding splitting the ambulance services in the Town with Barre Town.
- It was noted that a recent article in the Herald of Randolph reported that Randolph is considering establishing their own ambulance service. The Board will need to monitor this potential development.
- Mr. Kimmel made a motion to adjourn at 7:26 p.m., Mr. Haggett seconded: 2-0-0.