Selectboard Meeting Minutes 25 Sept 2017

BROOKFIELD SELECTBOARD Town Clerk’s Office 40 Ralph Road Brookfield, Vermont Draft MINUTES Meeting of MONDAY, 25 September 2017   The meeting was called to order at 6:30 P.M.   Members present: John Benson, Chair; Jeff Kimmel, and Cory Haggett.   Staff present:  Carla Preston, Alternate Administrative Assistant.   Others present:  John Helfant and Ray Peck,…

Selectboard Meeting Minutes 11 Sept 2017

 Town of Brookfield Selectboard Meeting September 11, 2017 at 6:30 PM Town Clerk’s Office Draft Minutes   Present: John Benson (Chair), Jeff Kimmel, Corey Hagget, Ray Peck (Road Crew Foreman), Rose Baier, Tom Young   Call to Order – 6:30 p.m.   Adjustments to Agenda – as there are no general public participants, the Selectboard…

Brookfield Highway Department Materials Policy

The Town of Brookfield would like to remind residents that all materials stock piled on the garage property are for Highway Department use only. The only exception is the limited use of sand for resident driveways during the winter. The Town’s policy regarding use of the Town’s sand supply for private driveways is as follows:…

Selectboard Meeting Minute 28 August 2017

The Town of Brookfield Selectboard Meeting 28 August 2a017 at 6:30 PM  Town Clerk’s Office Draft Minutes                     Present: John Benson, Jeff Kimmel, Cory Haggett, Ray Peck, Clotilde Hryshko, Kevin Joyal, Kasey Peterson Call to Order – 6:30 p.m.   Adjustments to the Agenda – None   Public Comment – Clotilde Hryshko was present…

Selectboard Meeting Minutes 22 Aug 2017

The Town of Brookfield Selectboard Meeting 22 August 2017 at 6:30 PM Town Clerk’s Office Draft Minutes   Present: John Benson, Jeff Kimmel, Cory Haggett,  Teresa Godfrey (Town Clerk/Treasurer), Ray Peck (Road Foreman), Kasey Peterson (Administrative Assistant) Call to Order – 6:33 p.m. Adjustments to the Agenda – none Public Comment – none New Business…

Selectboard Meeting Minutes 24 July 2017

 Town of Brookfield Selectboard Meeting 24 July 2017 at 6:30 PM Town Clerk’s Office Draft Minutes   Present: John Benson (Chair), Jeff Kimmel, Ray Peck (Road Crew Foreman), Rose Baier, Lew Stowell, Start Edson, Dan Childs   Call to Order – 6:30 p.m.   Adjustments to Agenda – include Ms. Baier first in order.  …