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Solarize Randolph-Brookfield-Braintree
Braintree, Randolph, and Brookfield are teaming up with local nonprofit Vital Communities and installers Catamount Solar and Integrity Energy to help residents and small businesses go solar this fall! As more people sign up to go solar, the cost comes down for everyone. To learn more, visit and attend the Solarize Randolph-Brookfield-Braintree launch event…
Planning Commission Agenda, 5/12/15
Location: Town Office, Ralph Road, Brookfield MEETING: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 time: 7:00 p.m. topics: Call to order Adjustments to agenda Minutes of prior meetings …
Planning Commission Agenda, 3-8-16
TOWN OF BROOKFIELD PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Location: Town Office, Ralph Road, Brookfield MEETING: Tuesday, March 8, 2016 TIME: 7:00 p.m. TOPICS: Call to order; adjustments to agenda Minutes of prior meetings Verizon Ridge Rd. Sec. 248a application, Docket 8688 (possible executive session) Draft town plan Opportunity for public comment
Brookfield Planning Commission DRAFT minutes 9/13/22
Minutes DRAFT Brookfield Planning Commission Date: September 13, 2022 Present: Gwynn Zakov (Chair), Martha Judy, Keven Ring, Wil White, Christina Harlow, Timothy Gershon Public present: Connor Rigney Chair Zakov called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. Judy and Gershon moved to approve minutes as amended. The minutes passed unanimously. Commissioners heard from Connor Rigney of…