Town of Brookfield
Selectboard Special Meeting
November 4, 2019 at 6:30 P.M.
Town Clerk’s Office
Draft Minutes
Present: John Benson (Chair), Cory Haggett, Jeff Kimmel, Teresa Godfrey (Town Clerk/Treasurer)
- Call to Order – 6:30 p.m.
- Town of Brookfield Debit Card Policy: the Board reviewed the proposed policy, including creation of a dedicated account with Bar Harbor Bank and Trust and the purpose and procedures for use of up to 4 debit cards for the Road Crew to purchase fuel, track transactions, and log additional information (name, date, truck mileage, gallons, and dollar amount). The proposed policy covers:
A. Issuance of Debit Cards
B. Use of the Debit Card
C. Cardholder Record Keeping
D. Cardholder Security
E. Cardholder Separation
In addition, the proposed policy requires participating Road Crew employees to review the policy and sign and date a “Cardholder Employee Acknowledgement” (attached to the policy).
On motion of Mr. Benson, Mr. Kimmel second, the Board voted 3-0-0 to approve the Town of Brookfield Debit Card Policy.
3. Other reports:
Mr. Benson reported that Connor Contracting Inc. and Black River Design have submitted initial design and potential costs options regarding the Town Garage renovation project.
Ms. Godfrey reported on the progress of this season’s collection of Brookfield property taxes.
4. Mr. Benson made a motion to adjourn at 7:05 p.m., Mr. Haggett second: 3-0-0.