WEDNESDAY APRIL 29, 2020, 5:40 PM
The following members attended: Stuart Edson, Michael Rutkovsky, Dan Mason and Lew Stowell.
- 5:40 PM: Call to Order
- Additions or deletions to the agenda: None required.
- Review and approve previous of February 26, 2020 meeting minutes: Approved. There was no March meeting because of the Covid 19 virus and the Governor’s order.
- Open Public Comment Period: No members of the public attended this meeting.
- Continuing Review of OCSD Activities, Reports and Bills: The patrol hours were discussed. L Stowell to contact OCSD about the Speed Cart plan for 2020. West Street is to be included as an additional site. The events of the previous weekend at the Floating Bridge were discussed. Illegal parking, lack of social distancing, absence of masks and rowdy behavior may continue to be experienced in the future as fishing has become even more popular because of the Virus and parking is an issue at the Bridge. Dan Mason as Constable was also contacted and will check with the residents on the West side of Sunset Lake. L Stowell to contact VSP Royalton and the Select Board.
- Town Over Weight and Over Sized System Project Progress: L Stowell to contact the Select Board on what option(s) they want to follow with the purchasing and erecting of vehicle weight signs on town highways.
- E-911 Sign and Traffic Sign Status: Some E-911 signs have not been picked up because of being ordered by Summer residents who have not returned to their Brookfield homes yet. L Stowell to contact T Godfrey about E-911 signs. L Stowell to present a request to the Select Board for more traffic signs to be purchased and erected. It was agreed that if the signs could be brought into full compliance that maintaining them in the future would be manageable. The Road Crew should develop a routine of erecting and repairing signs each month on designated days or half days in the Spring, Summer and Fall months.
- Emerald Ash Borer Progress: The virus has limited progress with the EAB activities. L Stowell to confer with K Forrer before contacting the Select Board.
- Discuss Needed or Likely Projects for FY 2021: Parking in Pond Village, particularly because of the Floating Bridge, needs more attention. There may need to be additional signage and an increase in the Town Office Parking Lot. L Stowell to combine issues for the Select Board into one list. The Morgan Horse Races on Snow Road in August were discussed.
- Public Safety Advisory Committee Website Use: S Edson reported no additional progress.
- May Public Safety Message: It will cover traffic sign compliance to include speed limits and stop signs.
- Setting the Next Remote Meeting: May 27, 2020 at 5:40 PM by conference call.
- Inviting Guests to the Next Meeting: No guests will be invited in May.
- Entertained motion to adjourn meeting: Moved, seconded and approved at 6:45 PM.