Brookfield Selectboard Meeting of December 22, 2014
Town Clerk’s Office on Ralph Road
Selectboard: John Benson (Chair), Cory Haggett,
Public Attendees: Teresa Godfrey (Recorder), William Grady, Marya Merriam
- Call to Order:
Mr. Benson called the meeting to order at 7:05 p. m.
2. Public Presentation:
Ms. Merriam spoke to the Board concerning Green Mountain Power (GMP) switching the street lights over to LED. If the Town would like to change the location of different lights or remove any, now is the time to do it. There will be no cost as long as it is done prior to GMP changing over to the LED. The Energy Committee has counted 9 lights in E. Brookfield and 2 lights in W. Brookfield. She was not sure of the count for the Village. Ms. Merriam suggested if there are any lights that might be removed to have a month-long trial with the light off to see how the public feels about the change.
Mr. Benson said the Energy Committee cannot make decisions for the Town but they can come back to the Selectboard with recommendations. Then the Board can act for the Town with a decision. Ms. Merriam will let the rest of the committee know.
Mr. Grady, a Taylor Hill Road resident, wanted to talk to the Board concerning the plowing at the top of Taylor Hill Road. He found the grader has been grading further over on his land and feels he has “lost” about 3 feet along the edge of the road. He had stone markers along his lawn and they have been plowed off.
Mr. Benson said the Town ROW is 25’ from the center line of the road and the Board will talk to Ray Peck concerning Taylor Hill Road being a class 4 road. With the heavy wet snow, the Road Crew was making the road passable.
3. Old Business:
On motion by Mr. Benson, seconded by Mr. Haggett, the Board voted to approve the December 8, 2014 minutes as written. Vote 2-0-0
The payroll procedure update was tabled due to Mr. Kimmel not being able to attend the meeting.
The Board signed a new contract for 2015-2016 with Orange County Sheriff’s Office with a budget not to exceed $6000.00.
4. Highway Report:
Mr. Haggett, Road Commissioner, said Jim Infurna will be installing a generator box for future power outages so the road crew will be able to pump the fuel from the tanks. He recommends a 5500 watt generator. Mr. Haggett said there is about 3” of fuel left in the tank and Mr. Peck will be ordering fuel soon.
5. Accounts Payable:
On motion by Mr. Haggett, seconded by Mr. Benson, the Board voted to pay the warrants in the amount of $12,735.29. This included a payment to BC/BS for $2,378.13, the balance of the Brookfield Public Library budget of $2,300.00 and a payment to Cargill in the amount of $4,783.44. Vote 2-0-0
6. Adjournment:
On motion by Mr. Haggett, seconded by Mr. Benson, the Board voted to adjourn at 8:35 p. m. until the next meeting on January 12, 2015 at 7:00 p. m. Vote 2-0-0
Respectfully submitted,
Teresa Godfrey, Recorder