Town of Brookfield Selectboard Meeting
September 12, 2022
6:30 PM
Town Office
Present: John Benson Chair; Betty Lord, Stuart Edson, Keith Sprague, Curtis Koren, members; Vicki Blanchard Administrative Assistant, Teresa Godfrey Town Clerk; Amy Ingrassia Assistant Treasurer; Doug & Kasey Pixley, Mike Fiorillo, Ted Elsey.
A. Call To Order – Mr. Benson called the Selectboard meeting to order at 6:35 pm
B. Adjustments to Agenda – Add Mike Fiorillo under public comments
C. Public Comments
1. Property line confusion – Doug and Kasey Pixley – Mr. Pixley would like to clean up his property and is running into a problem with his neighbor regarding property boundary lines. Mr. Benson said settling boundary disputes are not the work of the Selectboard, so he recommended that they contact American Survey Company to come and survey the Pixley’s property to prove where the boundary lines actually are. The Board will also provide a letter regarding the old road on the Pixley property.
2. Mike Fiorillo reported that on Cemetery Hill Street back in July a person was reported to living on a piece of property that he owned but there was no septic or running water. Mr. Fiorillo sent this person a couple of letters but with no response decided to call Dan Mason to investigate the situation. Apparently, there is no septic permit in place and now there are children living there also. At present, the State is investigating the property.
He also reported on a property on Route 14 where the owner is now renting out a place on the property which is not legal because this is like a business deal. Mr. Fiorillo will send a letter to try and get this resolved.
3. Ted Elsey reported that several people have come to him wondering why the Floating Bridge in the winter has to have cement Jersey barriers that are large enough to go across the walkways so that people walking or using a wheelchair can not walk across. The Board will contact the State District in charge and see if this can be changed or not.
D. Payroll and AP Warrants – Ms. Lord made a motion to approve the three AP Warrants as presented with the first dated 9/1/2022 with a total of $165.00 being made to Village of Essex Junction Clerk 2022 Fall in the amount of $165.00. The second dated 9/1/2022 with a total of $153,872.75 being made to Tenco New England, Inc. in the amount of $87,679.00 for the new truck. The third dated 9/10/2022 with a total of $44,592.79 with the largest being paid to WB Rogers in the amount of $15,407.00 for crushed stone, Mr. Edson seconded the motion which carried unanimously 5-0-0.
E. Highway Report – Mr. Sprague reported that Mr. Higgins will be on vacation starting September 19, for a week and a half. Work on Eagle Peak is going well and should be done this week. Mr. Gilman is working on a few other jobs in town also. The results from Mr. Haggett’s gravel pit have been received and Mr. Benson is waiting to see the results. The road crew will be getting new wood planks to fix the Parker Road bridge. The Beaver problem on Twin Pond Road is being addressed. Putting new signs up in Town was also discussed.
F. New Business
1. Set the tax rate – Ms. Godfrey submitted two Options to the board regarding the 2022 – 2023 tax rate and one included the BCA which was different by $5,000. The Board went with Option 1 because it will keep the taxes being paid very close to last year’s taxes. Mr. Edson made a motion to accept the Option 1 Brookfield Tax Rate and Mr. Sprague seconded the motion which carried unanimously 5-0-0.
2. Generator funding – This subject will be discussed at the next meeting.
G. Old Business
1. Hippo Park – Ms. Lord reported that she received a letter from Bob Hannum who had cleaned and repaired the hippos in Hippo Park. Mr. Hannum stated that he enjoyed working on the hippos and he will be giving his services pro bono which will include an annual cleaning each year in the future. Ms. Lord prepared a thank you note which was signed by all Board members. Ms. Lord also said she had heard that there were a couple of larger dogs living on the opposite side of the pond that knocked a lady down recently requiring a hospital visit and the use of crutches for some time. These same dogs last year had bit someone, so she wanted to advise the residents in town to be cautious when in the area around the pond.
2. Heat Pump – Providing all the parts for the Heat Pump arrive it should be installed on September 17, 2022.
3. Network – Mr. Edson has received one quote to redo the website and is waiting for a second to come in.
4. TH 45 quit claim deed – Mr. Edson has been working with Mr. Monte, the Town attorney regarding the Old Post Road to get the Quit Claim Deed completed. There are a few addresses that need to be verified and then everything should be able to mailed out.
H. Meeting Minutes – Ms. Lord made a motion to accept the August 22, 2022 minutes as presented; Ms. Koren seconded the motion which was carried unanimously 5-0-0.
I. Other Proper Business
1. Sign Public Assemblage Permit – Mr. Benson made a motion to accept the Public Assemblage Permit for a private party on September 24, 2022 and Ms. Lord seconded the motion which was carried unanimously 5-0-0.
2. Items from Public Safety Committee – Mr. Edson reported that the Public Safety Committee would like to see some progress in putting up signs in Town, so no one gets hurt. They are not asking for them to be done all at once but to at least set a schedule for installing them. Mr. Edson will be the liaison between the Public Safety Committee and the Selectboard.
3. Mr. Benson reported that he spoke with Bob Conniff regarding the roof on the Town Clerk’s Office, and since fall is here it would not be a good time to paint the roof but he is committed to getting it done July 1, 2023.
4. Mr. Benson reported that there have been some commits regarding the Town Garage which cannot be replaced at the present time due to costs, but the shed which is being proposed is the specs that were posted on the web.
J. Adjournment – Ms. Lord made a motion to adjourn at 8:45 pm., Mr. Edson seconded the motion, and there being no further business to come before the Board the meeting was unanimously adjourned.