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Veterans Day
This Brookfield Town Office will be closed on Tuesday 11 November, in honor of Veterans Day. The office will reopen for our regular hours at 8:30 AM Wednesday 12 November. We apologized for any inconvenience.
Selectboard Meeting Rescheduled.
The regularly scheduled Selectboard meeting for 11 February 2019 has been moved to 18 February 2019. This meeting will still be held at 6:30 PM at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Presidential Primary Warning 2020
WARNING — VERMONT PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY — MARCH 3, 2020 A statewide Presidential Primary will be held on TUESDAY, MARCH 3, 2020 to vote for candidates for the following offices: PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES The polls will open at a.m. and will close at 7:00 p.m. The polling place(s) is/are located at: Town (or City)…
Ordinance for the Regulation of Public Assemblages (approved)
This is a draft from the Selectboard to update the Public Assemblage permit. They will be acting on it at the next Selectboard meeting on December 14, 2015. This is available for public comment. Please email the Town Clerk at or stop in at the Town Office with your concerns. TOWN OF BROOKFIELD AN…
Verizon Wireless Application to Public Service Board, Telecommunications Facility, Ridge Road
Verizon Wireless has applied to the state Public Service Board to add to the existing telecommunications facility at 2382 Ridge Road. The resulting tower would be approximately 95 feet high and contain three antennae arrays. An electronic copy of the application can be downloaded by clicking here: Verizon Wireless Ridge Road PSB Application