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Time Change for Selectboard Meeting
Please note the time change for the Selectboard meeting on 14 September, 2015. The meeting will be starting at 6:30 pm instead of 7 pm.
2015 Town Meeting Minutes
TOWN OF BROOKFIELD 2015 ANNUAL MEETING The legal voters of the Town of Brookfield met for the annual Town Meeting, at the Brookfield Elementary School auditorium at 1725 Ridge Road, Tuesday, March 3, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. to transact the following business: Article 1: To elect all officers as required by law for the ensuing…
Town Report printing delayed
The Brookfield Town Report has been delayed at the printers and will not be delivered to the Town until Friday, March 3rd. The electronic version is available on this website. The Town Office will be open Saturday, March 4th from 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. for anyone who would like to pick up their copy. (one per…
Rescheduled Selectboard Meeting 22 August 2017 at 6:30PM
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the regularly scheduled meeting of the Brookfield Selectboard was cancelled. That meeting has been rescheduled for 22 August 2017 at 6:30. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.