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Draft Brookfield Planning Commission Meeting Minutes September 10, 2019
DRAFT Brookfield Planning commission meeting minutes September 10, 2019 Present: Gwynn Zakov, Chair; William White; Martha Judy; Jon Jickling; Jeff Girard; Nancy Jacques Public Present: Tim Gershon 7:03- the meeting was called to order Discussed the filling of open positions on the commission. Nancy Jacques was recently appointed by the Selectboard. Gwynn Zakov will follow…
Brookfield Planning Commission draft minutes July 22, 2020
Minutes DRAFT Brookfield Planning Commission Date: Wednesday July 22, 2020 DRAFT Present: Gwynn Zakov, Chair, Timothy Gershon, Jon Jickling, Martha Judy, William White, Nancy Jacques Public: Susan Shea – Conservation Commission, Laurel Mcewen Chair Zakov called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. Inquired about public to be heard. No public attended. White/Judy moved to…
Solarize Randolph-Brookfield-Braintree
Braintree, Randolph, and Brookfield are teaming up with local nonprofit Vital Communities and installers Catamount Solar and Integrity Energy to help residents and small businesses go solar this fall! As more people sign up to go solar, the cost comes down for everyone. To learn more, visit and attend the Solarize Randolph-Brookfield-Braintree launch event…