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Minutes of the Brookfield Free Public Library Trustee Meeting, September 17, 2015
Present and Voting: Amy, Cat, Kym Absent: Laura, Dan, Emily 1. Per Dan, in absentia, minimal change in our current financials. 2. Librarian’s Report, per Laura, in absentia: -Patron and library use numbers continue to be good -State library resources continue to diminish with hours cut and new acquisitions on hold 3. Current Issues: -Dan…
Minutes of the Brookfield Library Trustees Meeting, January 21, 2016 (draft)
Present and Voting: Amy Borgman, Cat Wright, Dan Childs, Emily Noyes, Kym Anderson Present and not voting: Laura Rochat, Librarian 1. Minutes were accepted. 2. Treasurer’s Report: Dan notes that our financial status continue to be stable. Emily double-checked financial reports to confirm this. 3. Librarian’s Report: Laura reports that the trial of the new…
Minutes of the Library Trustees Extra Meeting January 27, 2022 (unapproved)
Present and Voting: Amy Borgman, Dan Childs, Emily Noyes, Starr Strong Present and Not Voting: Laura Rochat, Librarian The purpose of this meeting was to discuss and set guidelines for the Brookfield Free Public Library Scholarship. These funds were received when the Anna Clarke Jones Scholarship assets were transferred to the Library last year. The…
Minutes of May 4 Meeting of Brookfield Library Trustees
Present and Voting: Amy Borgman, Dan Childs, Emily Noyes, Starr Strong Present and Not Voting: Laura Rochat, Librarian -Minutes were accepted -Treasurer’s Report: Dan and Emily reviewed the Financials in April, all are in order. We are up to date in Town reimbursements to the Library. Dan will be reimbursed $322.47 for payment to Baker…
Minutes of the 3/27/2019 Meeting of Library Trustees
MINUTES OF THE BROOKFIELD LIBRARY TRUSTEES, MARCH 27, 2019 Present and Voting: Kym Anderson, Amy Borgman, Dan Childs, Emily Noyes, Cat Wright Present and Not Voting: Laura Rochat, librarian -Minutes were approved -Treasurer’s Report: Dan was the Library’s representative at Town Meeting. He reports that our funding continues and that no concerns about the Library…