Present and voting: Amy Borgman, Emily Noyes, Dan Childs, Cat Wright
Present and not voting: Laura Rochat (librarian)
Not present: Kym Anderson
-Acceptance of the Minutes
-Treasurer’s Report: The Library continues to be in good financial shape, nothing of note to report.
-Librarian’s Report: Laura has officially completed her Public Librarianship Certificate!
The Library will continue to offer the Vermont State Pass, the Historic Sites Pass and the Echo Pass. Laura will check to see if there are other Passes that might benefit our patrons.
-Old Business: none
-New/Upcoming Business: Mostly about Summer programming –
The Arts Bus will be available through Library programming 2 times this summer, once at the rescheduled OTH Potluck Saturday June 16 and at the Library Monday July 9.
The Journalist Roundtable will be sponsored by the Library and held at the OTH Wednesday June 20 @ 7pm.
Laura will contact the Poetons for an evening story-hour on a Monday evening in late June.
The Library and the OTH are partnering with the Modern Times Theater Co for a performance to be presented at the OTH August 12.
Deconstruction night will be coming up again in September.
Cat has been contacted by Sara Hale for the Library to host a 6 week writer workshop series in September. More details will be forthcoming.
Communicate With Your Dog program may be held in the Fall. Laura will follow-up.
-Next Board Meeting scheduled for Thursday August 9, 2018 @ 6:30 PM.