WEDNESDAY August 22, 2018 5:30 PM
The following members attended: Stuart Edson, Mike Stoddard, Dan Mason, Michael Rutkovsky and Lew Stowell. Andrew and Kara Lake and Robert and Deborah Beaulieu attended as members of the public. Jon Binhammer and Kate Forrer attended as invited guests.
- Review and Approve Minutes of July 25,2018.] Approved unanimously.
- Questions or Issues Brought by Members of the Public. Andrew and Kara Lake and Robert and Deborah Beaulieu stated that the current speed limit of 45 MPH on Route 14 in East Brookfield is too high. They explained that there were several intersections, a school bus stop, Fire Department entrance/ exit, children and pets and that the current reduced speed zone is too short. The committee suggested that the Lakes and Beaulieus circulate a petition among the residents of East Brookfield and immediate environs to determine support for a speed reduction.
- Guests: Enforcement & Safety Division, VT DMV was unavailable. Jon Binhammer, Brookfield Town Forester and Kate Forrer, UVM Extension Forester attended instead. K Forrer and J Binhammer described the threat of the Emerald Ash Borer(EAB). They recommended that Brookfield create a response plan and that a first step might be to inventory the ash trees on part or all of the town roads. Forrer will provide model plans and training for Ash inventory personnel. L Stowell will check with RTCC for help in conducting an inventory.
- Continuing Review of OCSD Activities, Reports and Bills. Committee members are thinking about what budget amount to recommend to the Select Board in December, 2018.
- Continuing Review of Parking Enforcement on Stone Road. The committee recommends to the Select Board that the TRORC redo the traffic count on Stone Road.
- Keeping in Touch With the Select Board and Highway Department. L Stowell to talk with Select Board Chair and S Edson to keep in touch with Road Foreman.
- Discussion of the threat of the Emerald Ash Borer on Town Roads and power lines. See above.
- Increasing Parking in Pond Village. L Stowell or S Edson to contact the MacBruces about permission for road crew to explore their land near the Town Office for suitability for parking.
- Reflective E-911 House Number Signs Project. The VCI green sign was chosen. Final availability to be advertised with a deadline of September 15, 2018. Town Clerk to accept orders soon.
- Discussion of movable radar speed display signs and the data that they produce. The committee agreed to have OCSD provide this service with applicable data for now.
- September Public Safety Message. Use for activation of the sign project and schools opening.
- Setting the Next Meeting. September 26, 2018
- Inviting Guests to the Next Meeting. Mason to determine if DMV is available.
- Adjourned at 7:12 PM.