WEDNESDAY, JULY 14, 2021, 5:30 PM
The Brookfield Public Safety Advisory Committee met in person as warned.
The following members attended: Michael Rutkovsky, Stuart Edson and Lew Stowell. No members of the public attended.
5:30 PM: Call to Order- There were no additions or deletions to the agenda.
- Review and approve the June 23, 2021 meeting minutes: Approved 3-0.
- Review and Discussion of OCSD Activities including Patrol Hours, Reports and Bills. No bill and report received yet.
- Speed Cart Deployments- The Pond Village deployment appeared to reduce speeding. 8:00 AM appears to be the busiest traffic time. There were 4551 vehicles passing through Pond Village southbound from 8:00 AM June 24 to 12:00 PM (Noon) July 1, 2021. Only 332 were above the speed limit of 25 MPH.
- Stone Road Parking Issues: Sheriff Bohnyak has informed Sid Cushing that the damaged truck in the traveled portion of Stone Road at 2141 Stone Road must be removed from the road. Failure to do so will result in towing at owner’s expense.
- Brookfield Town Road Work Plan: Tim Higgins not able to attend.
- Traffic and Weight Limit Sign Status: Progress being made. More signs to be ordered in July.
- Traffic Ordinance Status: The committee discussed the draft addendum containing selected entries from the Judicial Bureau Wavier Penalties. Town Attorney Monte recommended attaching entire document. L. Stowell to send committee members the draft ordinance, the draft addendum and the Judicial Bureau Wavier Penalties for assistance in ensuring that all relevant entries are included. This will be a much smaller document and more relevant to the Traffic Ordinance.
- Parking in Pond Village: Most days the parking is under control. OCSD is continuing to monitor.
- August Public Safety Message: S. Edson to prepare a draft and send to L. Stowell.
- Setting the Next Meeting: August 25, 2021 at the Brookfield Congregational Church at 5:30 PM.
- Inviting Guests to the Next Meeting: Tim Higgins and the Road Commissioner and new members of the Select Board.
- Entertained a motion to adjourn the meeting. M. Rutkovsky made the motion, seconded by S. Edson, approved 3-0. Adjourned at 6: 23, 2021.