WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 2022, 5:30 PM
The Brookfield Public Safety Advisory Committee met in person as warned.
The following members attended: Mike Stoddard, Michael Rutkovsky, Stuart Edson, Dan Mason and Lew Stowell. CPT Scott Clouatre, OCSD attended as a guest.
- 5:30 PM: Call to Order There were no additions or deletions to the agenda
- Review, revise or approve the March 02, 2022 meeting minutes. Approved with one correction; Charlie Ballou attended as a guest, not Charlie Isham. 5-0.
- Questions or Issues Brought by Members of the Public- No members of the public attended.
- Review and Discussion of OCSD Activities including Patrol Hours, Reports and Bills- OCSD reports were discussed and Scott Clouatre offered that more data including incident location will be provided in future reports. Scott Clouatre also brought the committee up to date with OCSD staffing shortages and steps taken to improve the situation.
- Speed Cart and Patrol Deployments- The Speed Cart will be deployed in early May and kept mostly to main roads. Paved roads are safer for the Speed Cart but some gravel roads such as Stone Road can be made safer by the positioning of the cart.
- Upcoming Events Involving Brookfield: The Northeast Back Country Discovery Route (motorcycle tour route) June to October, the Green Mountain Gravel bicycle race in October and the re-pavement of I-89 South were all discussed. Stowell to contact Green Mountain Gravel for more information.
- Vehicle, Pedestrian, Horse and Bicycle Safety- Grant Exploration- L. Stowell will contact Chelsea Sprague and Sarah Isham to identify Brookfield roads with frequent horse traffic.
- Town Meeting Preparation (May 21, 2021)- L. Stowell will prepare a draft presentation for the May Committee meeting.
- Traffic, Road Name and Weight Limit Sign Status- With improving road conditions and weather, it is hoped that more progress can be made installing signs.
- Traffic Ordinance Status-L. Stowell will attend the May 11 Select Board meeting. There may be an ordinance version mix up.
- Parking Issues in Brookfield- It was noted that parking and trash can placement by a home owner on the West side of the Floating Bridge needs to be modified. Scott Clouatre to contact them.
- April Public Safety Message- L. Stowell to create and publish.
- Setting the Next Meeting- Wednesday May 11, 2022 at 5:30 PM at the Brookfield Congregational Church ground floor.
- Inviting Guests to the Next Meeting- Dennis Larocque, Brookfield Select Board Member and Road Commissioner will attend.
- Final Public Comment- No members of the public attended.
- Entertain a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mason made the motion and M. Stoddard seconded. Motion passed 5-0 at 7:11 PM.