Town of Brookfield Selectboard Meeting
June 27, 2022
6:30 PM
Town Office
Unapproved DRAFT Minutes
Present: John Benson, Chair, Betty Lord, Stuart Edson, Dennis LaRocque, Curtis Koren, Members; Vicki Blanchard, Administrative Assistant, Amy Ingrassia, Assistant Treasurer; Steve Hill, Larry Brassard, Sarah Danly.
A. Call To Order – Mr. Benson called the Selectboard meeting to order at 6:35 pm.
B. Adjustments to Agenda – Sarah Danly from the White River Valley Consortium, Old State Road (TH45), and Larry Brassard to Public Comments.
C. Public Comments
1. Sarah Danly explained updates to the White River Consortium regarding
being awarded a three-year implementation grant to work on increasing housing that is affordable for entry-level workforce and beginning entrepreneurs. Ms. Danly will send Ms. Koren more information on this project.
2. Old Stage Road (TH45) – Mr. Benson explained that according to VLCT there are several potential ways to fix this problem. The most direct is to first find a copy of the town map that shows the road extension post July 2015. Secondly, if there is no map, then the town could approach the owners and get them to sign a descriptive document. Third is to go through the right-of-way process and fourth is if they are not willing sellers it would become a court issue. Mr. Benson will review the Town Highway maps on file with Vtrans.
3. Mr. Brassard brought up a road side mowing issue. He feels that the contractor is not cutting the grass back far enough from the road. Mr. LaRocque is also going to contact Mr. Higgins to discuss this issue and also to have him check on a tree that Mr. Brassard says is too close to the road.
D. Payroll and AP Warrants – Ms. Lord made a motion to approve the AP Warrants as presented with a total of $148,345.05 with the highest payment being made to WB Rogers for sand in the amount of $87,087.00. Mr. Edson seconded the motion which carried unanimously 5-0-0
E. Highway Report – Mr. LaRocque reported that the road crew had finished hauling sand and were working on culverts. Mr. Higgins went to Maine to meet with the dealer of the new truck to discuss its final assembly. Next, the road crew is gong to work on culverts on Eagle Peak Road. Mr. Higgins has purchased salt for next year. Mr. Benson met with Mr. Gilman regarding projects to be worked on under the Vtrans SFY23 Grants-in-Aid Program. Mr. Benson made a motion to authorize Ms. Lord to followup and make sure that invoices for stone, bridge material, signs and plate compactor are received and paid for by June 30, 2022. Mr. LaRocque seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously 5-0-0
Mr. Benson felt the town should apply for a grant to be able to fix the Parker Road Bridge since it is a large job. Mr. LaRocque will work with Mr. Higgins to get that grant filed.
F. New Business
1. Upgrade Parker Road Bridge – this was discussed under Highway.
2. Certification of Vtrans Map – On June 23, 2003 at a former Selectboard held a public hearing for review and comment on a proposal by Henry Barron that his driveway be discontinued as a Town Road. The driveway is currently designated a Class 4 road (TH 62, 01.2 mile). When the new Vtrans map comes in, this will be changed accordingly.
G. Old Business
1. Old Stage Road (TH45) – discussed under Public Comments.
2. Update on Act 250 permit for Haggett Gravel Pit – A new permit will be issued unless, on or before July 11, 2022 a person notifies the Commission of an issue or issues requiring the presentation of evidence at a hearing.
H. Meeting Minutes
1. June 13, 2022 – Ms. Lord made a motion to accept the June 13, 2022 minutes as presented; Mr. Benson seconded the motion, which carried unanimously 5-0-0
I Other Proper Business
1. Update on Vtrans SFY23 Grants in Aid Letter due 6/24 – discussed under Highway. Mr. Benson made a motion that a Letter of Intent to Participate in the SRY23 Municipal Roads Grants-in-Aid program on June 21, 2022 be sent. Mr. LaRocque seconded the motion which was carried unanimously 5-0-0
2. 2022 FY2023 Building Communities Grants Funded – Mr. Edson will look into this more in detail.
3. The town has received one quote for a heat put for the town office and library.
J. Adjournment – Mr. Benson made motion to adjourn at 8:30 pm, Ms. Koren seconded the motion and there being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was unanimously adjourned.