The Town of Brookfield
Selectboard Meeting
8 May 2017 at 6:30 P.M.
Town Clerk’s Office
Present: John Benson, Cory Haggett, Jeff Kimmel, Ray Peck (Road Crew Foreman), Kasey Peterson (Recorder)
- Call to Order: 6:32 P.M.
- Adjustments to the Agenda: a letter from Pat Mercier was added to Other Business.
- Public Comment: none
- New Business
- Kidder, Mr. Benson, and Mr. Kimmel met at the Town Garage at 5:30 p.m. and walked the property lines. Mr. Kidder identified a lot line adjustment that both he and the Selectboard are comfortable with. The corners of the West side of the property were identified and a tape was added where the potential line would run. Mr. Kidder will contact Mr. Young about the Town’s proposal to exchange that portion of land for the outstanding taxes on Mr. Young’s property. Mr. Kidder also indicated that his grandmother would be willing to give up rights to an old unused spring on the property.
- Highway
- Peck measured Lamson Pond Road and estimated the cost for upgrading the road all the way through. The cost of the material and trucking comes to $86,000 including culverts. It was suggested that if Dan Bohnyak (a resident on the road who was potentially interested in pursuing the upgrade) paid $40,000, the remainder could come from the Town. Upgrading this road would be beneficial to the Highway Department during winter maintenance. A loader is often required to dig out snow drifts because the road cannot be plowed straight through. Mr. Peck will meet with Mr. Bohnyak to discuss the issue.
- There are a number of large trees in the Town right-of-way on Eagle Peak Road. There are places where two cars cannot pass. Mr. Peck will identify the trees and Mrs. Peterson will contact the landowners regarding the trees in question, indicate the Town’s interest in pruning or removing them, and offer the wood from the trees to the landowners.
- There was discussion regarding Route 65. The road hasn’t been graded because VTrans has not closed that project with the contractor due to issues raised last Fall regarding dust and general road conditions. Mr. Benson will contact John Harrington (of VTrans) and ask that he send someone to inspect the road with Mr. Peck.
- Jaron Borg is coming from the Agency of Natural Resources to establish an elevation point on Bear Hill Road so the Town can put the job out for bid for a box culvert. There was discussion regarding the grant and how the Town can pay the portion it is responsible for. It is possible VTrans will accept material costs or services towards the Town’s portion.
- During a windstorm last Friday the Fire Department was called out to Halfway Brook Road over downed power and telephone lines. Washington Electric came out and raised their power lines off the road but Fairpoint did not. The road has been closed since. Mrs. Peterson will bring the matter to the attention of the Public Service Board.
- There was discussion about how to more accurately track fuel usage at the Town Garage.
- Brandon Stevens is scheduled to do the roadside mowing on 19 June. Mr. Peck will contact him and try to get the project moved closer to the 4th of July.
- The posts for the guardrails on Northfield Road were purchased last year and will be installed this summer. Some work will also be done on the guardrails at the bottom of Taylor Hill Road.
- Kimmel made a motion to accept the Brookfield Community Partnership’s proposed Public Assemblage Permit for a wedding in Pond Village on June 24 as written. Mr. Haggett seconded. 3-0-0.
- There was brief discussion over standardizing the pay period of all Town employees by paying everyone biweekly. This idea was ultimately rejected. Mr. Benson made a motion to adopt the Payroll Procedure Policy as written, Mr. Kimmel seconded; 3-0-0. Mrs. Peterson will provide a copy of this policy to each employee.
- Audit – none
- Old Business
- Haggett made a motion to approve the minutes of the 24 April meeting. Mr. Kimmel seconded. 3-0-0.
- There was discussion concerning the Kirkyard Services Cemetery contract and how many payments should be made over the course of the contract. The payments will be made each month over the life of the contract rather than seasonally.
- Payroll/AP Warrant
- Haggett made a motion to pay the AP Warrants in the amount of $13,278.10, Mr. Kimmel seconded; 3-0-0. Large bills included: White River Valley Ambulance for $6,460.00; Jason’s Handiworks for $2,541.66; Barre City Treasurer for $1,844.36.
- Other Proper Business –
- Mercier sent a letter to the Selectboard reiterating her concerns over the Town right-of-way in front of her home on Lavender Road. Mr. Peck will be setting stakes on the edge of Mrs. Mercier’s property to aid in summer maintenance.
- Adjournment – Mr. Kimmel made a motion to adjourn at 8:17 p.m. Mr. Haggett seconded. 3-0-0.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kasey Peterson