The Town of Brookfield
Selectboard Meeting
27 February 2017 at 6:30 PM
Town Clerk’s Office
Meting Minutes
Present: John Benson, Cory Haggett, Ray Peck (Road Foreman), Mardee Sanchez (Planning Commission), Kasey Peterson (Recorder)
- Call to Order: 6:35
- Changes to the Agenda –
- Mardee Sanchez was present to discuss changes to the town by-laws. There have been changes to legislation and case law since the last time the by-laws were updated. The Planning Commission would like to unify and reorganize update the four existing sets of by-laws Ranging in age from 1980-2010: development, subdivision, flood plain, and shore land. Discussion revolved around the difference between state and local guidelines and concerns regarding duplication and enforcement of state regulations and jurisdiction. There was also discussion regarding nomenclature, for example using the tern ‘by-law’ instead of ‘regulation’. The Board Members present at the meeting had no concerns on this matter, but suggested Ms. Sanchez contact Mr. Kimmel to confirm that there are no issues one way or the other. In addition creation of a Development Review Board Structure. A limited number of applicants require meeting with both the Planning Commission and the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Creating a Development Review Board would streamline the permitting process for those applicants.
- Research must be done before appointing Elle O’Casey to the planning commission to confirm that this appointment would not contradict any current town guidelines or policies regarding the number of members on that commission.
- Public Comment – none
- Old Business
- Haggett made a motion to approve the minutes of 23 January and 13 February as amended. Mr. Benson seconded. 2-0-0
- Michael Palmer Permit – Mr. Benson discussed a suggestion made to Mr. Palmer regarding a fire hydrant on the property. This was a suggestion only. Absence of a hydrant will have no effect on the permitting process. No action required
- Evans Group Credit Application – Evans Group requires a credit application on hand in order to provide quotes on diesel fuel prices. Application signed.
- During the break-in at the town office in November, the fire-proof, lockable file cabinet was damaged beyond repair. The Town’s insurance coverage includes a $1000 deductible. Mr. Benson made a motion to replace the damaged cabinet with another fire-proof, lockable cabinet. Any cost over the deductible will come from the buildings and grounds budget. Mr. Haggett seconded. 2-0-0
- New Business
- Highway Report
- Haggett made a motion to post the roads for spring travel in accordance with state statues. Mr. Benson seconded. 2-0-0
- Peck informed the Board that the Road Crew will be attending mandatory safety training on 28 February.
- Peck will be building wing carts for the town trucks at a cost of approximately $800. These carts will facilitate removal and storage inside the garage during the winter season, easing wear and tear on both the wings and the trucks.
- The 2016 preventative maintenance project on Northfield road to repair the mud-hole has been a great success. The water is flowing through the newly installed culverts just as it should and mud no longer seems to be an issue at that site. Mr. Peck will identify other trouble spots in town and add them to the summer project list.
- The Ridge Road grant paperwork was signed and will be sent 28 February.
- Haggett made a motion to task Mrs. Peterson with writing a letter to the Town of Randolph granting them access to our FCC radio frequencies in the interest of mutual aid and public safety. Mr. Benson seconded. 2-0-0
- Pre – Town Meeting Hearing – no citizens present – Mr. Benson read his outline for his presentation at Town Meeting. No action necessary.
- Payroll/AP Warrant
- Haggett made a motion to pay the warrants in the amount of $24,318.56. Large bills include: Global Montello for $14,363.50, White River Valley Ambulance for $6,460.00, and Orange County Sherriff’s Dept. for $855.00
- Other Proper Business
- Benson made a motion to adjourn at 8:13. Mr. Haggett seconded. 2-0-0
Respectfully Submitted
Kasey Peterson